iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.


Italeri kit with 'no additives' unless you count the outstanding Sky decals. Paints are Mr Color lacquers and Tamiya acrylics all mixed until 'they look right' - no exact formulas here. I temporarily tack-glued the ventral gondola section [...]

Heller 1/72 J-29 Tunnan

I love all of the Swedish jets, and decided to start my Swedish collection with the Tunnan. The original kit in my stash was a Matchbox kit, but when I opened it and saw how toy-like it was, I tossed it and found a Heller kit on ebay. The [...]

FT-5 1/72

FT-5, this kit is not available on the market yet. I modified it using MIG15UTI, and the effect is good. The small airplane is very fun!

RAAF Lockheed F-4 Lightning Photo Recon

I’ve completed my build of the photo reconnaissance version of the P-38E Lightning. The particular version I built was an F-4 Lightning (versus F-4A as often seen) used by The Royal Australian Air Force in 1943. This has been a fun [...]

Heinkel He-46C-1.

Here’s my Heinkel He-46C-1. a resin kit from Planet Models in Condor Legion livery. Built mostly OOB, I just added some seat belts and stainless bracing wire on the struts. Model Master paint and kit decals. An easy build. In 1931 the [...]

Rufe weathering patterns: Tamiya 1/48 A6M2-N

Weathering patterns on Japanese aircraft during operational service occurred as a result of the harsh conditions in the Pacific. However, due to the scarcity of documentations and photographs, the extent and type of weathering is left much [...]

Fighting Colours

Fighting Colours is a Kookaburra title by Michael JF Bowyer covering Royal Air Force camouflage and markings from 1937 to 1975. Chapter six addresses the RAF's shift to the offensive in 1941. In a subheading titled Important Colour Changes [...]

Airfix 1/48 De Havilland Chipmunk T.10

A bit of a personal one this. A nice if fiddly in places kit from Airfix dressed up as the Chippie I got a couple of flights in during a Summer Camp at Leeming, many, many years ago. Primed with Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500 Black. Painted [...]

Yellow 5 flown by Horst Petzschler.

This is the old Revell 1:48 scale Bf 109 G-10 with wings from Fujimi's 109 series (The more modern issue from the 1990ies). This is my representation of the plane flown by Horst Petzschler. This is what Horst Petzschler later told about [...]

De Havilland Mosquito PR.XVI Airfix 1/72 25th Bomb Group Rcn England 1944.

(link) This is my summary project of the entire model section regarding Operation Frantic, i.e. the mission From England and Italy to Soviet-occupied Ukraine in 1944. This time it was a special mission, because Frantic VII was a supply [...]