iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

CAUDRON G.III, US Air Service, US Army, Romorantin, France, 1917/18

Copper State Models 1:32 inc figures. Tamiya and oil paints Model Kasten rigging and Gaspatch+ProperPlane turnbuckles

Italeri 1/48 Sea Hurricane

Italeri's Hurricane is a mixed bag. Panel lines and details are nicely engraved. Yet, the joints need to be worked on because some parts are crudely molded. Nonetheless, in the end the model looks like a Sea Hurricane.

Dragon Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat of LTJG Arthur Brassfield

LTJG Arthur Brassfield opened his account on 05MAY42 while defending USS Lexington (CV-2) during the Battle of Coral Sea. On that day he was credited with downing an H6K “Mavis” flying boat, a kill he shared with two other VF-42 [...]

Silber Vogel Takom 1/72

Cool model of Takom.No assembly problem, quick and easy to assemble. simple decoration for the silver bird. For the street of its creator a+

Revell 1/48 F-15E Strike Eagle

The venerable Eagle is perhaps, one of Revell's best kits. A highly detailed kit that builds without much effort into an impressive model that looks like the real aircraft. The only design snag that I found is the poor fit in the [...]

B-25D Tondelayo T1/48th scale, Accurate Miniatures 1/48th scale

The goal of the project was to represent B-25D-1 #41-30669 Tondelayo of the 500th B.S. at Nadzab in June of 1944. My key reference is the excellent history of the 345th Bombardment Group Warpath Across the Pacific by Lawrence J. Hickey. I [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 F6F-3 Hellcat

This is a nice kit and goes together well. I only had two issues. The canopy sits too high so I had to file off the bottom to make it sit lower. The bushing inside the engine did not seat properly so the propeller shaft would not [...]

1/32 Hasegawa Messerchmitt Bf-109 K4

This is 1/32 Hasegawa Bf-109K4 from Stab III. /JG53 Kaufbeuren Germany in April 1945. I used MDC cockpit set, Yahu instrument panel and Eduard seat belts in the cockpit Other modifications are: Quickboost exhaust set Loon models [...]

Revell 1/48 Arado 234C-3

The Arado 234C was equipped with four BMW 003A instead of the pair of Jumo 004 engines. Not only that the aircraft gained additional thrust, but also more Jumo engines could boost the Me 262 manufacturing effort. Revell's Arado is an [...]

BF-109F-4 Hermann Graf, 1/48 Hasegawa

This is Hasegawa's 1/48 BF-109F-4 in Hermann Graf's markings, 9/JG52, May 1942. Built mostly OOB, with details and harnesses added to cockpit, corrected wheel wells and brake lines. Kit decals which behaved flawlessly, and Tamiya acrylics, [...]