Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
Back in 2008 I wrote some notation's on several of my photos, which will relate some information concerning what I did to the model. The "Ukraine" had a flight demonstration team similar to our "Thunderbirds & Blue [...]
This started as serious build, but when I put the plastic up against scale plans, absolutely nothing lined up and I wasn't sure what Mark it was. Usually I'm not a rivet counter, but it was the rivets that threw me off. Bazillions of [...]
Hello All,
This is the KittyHawk Super Etendard kit built completely OOB. Paints used are locally available acrylics. Masking was done using my Kiddoo's Play Dooh. Few inaccuracies if I am being nit picky, do check your references for the [...]
Tamiya 1/48th Scale, straight out of the box fun build. Back in the 80’s Don Davidson used to venture to a few airshows near Ohio from his New England base in his restored version of Double Trouble. The paint scheme always stood out. I [...]
Back around 2014 we started looking at getting a replacement for Betty Jane on the Wings of Freedom Tour. About that time Mark Timken was looking to sell off several of his projects, including a TF, and a few FW-190s. A deal was struck and [...]
Seven (7) has always been my "lucky" number and these 7 images show off my Mk-5 Sabre Jet. I have no idea what the "Mk-5" means and I don't think I did any research. I don't have a photo of the box art, nor do I recall [...]
Very nice kit of the "Fliegender Bleistift" but as a 1/72 scale Do 17Z-10, operated as a night fighter. Very easy to build, no fit problems etc.
Highly recommended!
For more details about this Revell kit, tools and paints from [...]
This is my second model. BO-105 is Germany anti tank helicopter. It's quite an old kit, so it's not completely perfect, but it wasn't that bad. Otherwise it is in 1:32 scale. So, I started with the cockpit, it was quite boring, so I added [...]
A little update for you guys on the MB 326K, You will see that I have added the drop tanks, front cockpit and all the control surfaces as well as the undercarriage, Main Canopy next and all the covers and wheel doors, looks like I am [...]
In a 30+ year teaching career (and still going in this crazy 2020) I spent 17 of them in 6th grade. At the end of the year many students will often give a token of appreciation such as gift cards, mugs, and such to their teachers. About 18 [...]