iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Fun Build Completed: Part 2 A 1/48 Tamiya Bf-109E-3

OK many of you followed and commented on my last posting which was Part:1 Fun and Easy Build. I described how I had been involved recently in some very complicated, commissioned builds sometimes not having as much fun as I once had. In [...]

1/48 HE-111H-2 Monogram's classic revisited

With the arrival of ICM's much anticipated kit, I thought it only fair to revisit Monograms version from the '90s. With a scratchbuilt interior (most of which can't be seen) some detailing on the gear, engines and an open canopy, the old [...]

Eduard Spitfire IX

This is Eduard's Spitfire IX in 1:72 which I've just finished for Model Airplane International Magazine. A superb kit, detail is amazing but definitely not a beginners kit, despite its tiny size. Eduard have crammed an amazing amount of [...]

When Easy is Fun: Tamiya 1/48 Bf-109-3 WIP Update

The past year has been a very productive and challenging year regarding model builds. During this challenging year I have pushed myself outside of my comfort level regarding the use of advanced modeling techniques. I have spent many [...]

1/48 Monogram P-40B

Finished this model a couple of weeks ago and just now getting around to posting it. Picked this old Monogram kit up at of all places a model train show for $5. After I purchased it wondered what I was going to do with it. Consequently, I [...]

Rot 13, Eduard 1/48 Fw 190D-9

Fw 190D-9 flown by Oblt. Klaus Faber as part of the base defense flight of JV44 at Ainring Airfield, Germany in May 1945. They have been referred to as the "Papagaistaffel”(parrot flight), but this name for them was not used until [...]

Kitty Hawk’s 48th UH-1H in 134th AHC markings circa 1969-1970 RVN

This is but one of the Hueys I flew during my tour with the 134th AHC. This is a 2nd Plt Huey as noted by the white accent markings. 1st Plt birds carried red marking where these are white. The UH-1Cs and Ms, our gunships, had light blue [...]

1/48 Aviatik Berg D.1

1/48 Sierra Scale Models Aviatik Berg D.1, markings for Frank Linke-Crawford. Lozenge decals by Americal-Gryphon. I did this one a long time ago. My first successful vac form kit (in my opinion). It was also my first attempt at spoke [...]

1/48 Eduard Pfalz D-III

The most unlucky kit! 1/48 Eduard Pfalz D-III with decals from the Glencoe kit. While building this one, the control stick broke at least three or four times. The decals shattered and I had to buy another kit to get a complete set (though [...]

Nose art group build....

Inside the fuselage, it says, Revell, Inc. Venice, Calif., Copyright 1954. No doubt a re-pop. I built it as a 12 year old (and still have it). I thought I'd give it another try. Actually, the box art got me again. The nose art group [...]