Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
I just don't know what to write in addition to the photos. This is Raiden, one of the most beautiful airplanes I know. And this is Hasegawa in 1/72 scale – the classic kit. Completely OOB, 100% of fun. Glued with glue, painted with [...]
After a quite long break ive finally managed to finish that build it only needs some tiny bits and external fuel tanks to be added on.
Kit was finished oob. and has decent details also I liked the fit and it docent have any major fitting [...]
Images created during 2018 Moson Model Show at the iModeler booth.
A short Friday distraction to start the day.
73 years ago, almost to the day, Eduard Schallmoser climbed into his Me 262 (sometimes erroneously described as white 5 or 14, but was actually 'white 11') in response to incoming American B-26 [...]
Hello! Let me show you one of my works. This is the model of the An-124 (Antonov-124) "Ruslan".
(Images created during 2018 Moson Model Show at the iModeler booth; additional images Aleš Doležal)
Ever since I was a kid I've liked Bristol Blenheim Mk IV (to be frank, Mk I is really an ugly bird compared to IV). When I was about 10, [...]
So this Zoukei-Mura Ho 229 is taking on a life of its own. It's been consuming me, I can't stop thinking about it and It's driving me insane. Much more to go.