Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
I had the Minicraft 1/48 P-38J kit- but it sat for a while because I was not sure how I would deal with all the stripes on the tail and spinners.
The decals from the kit sheet and the Hasegawa kit sheet for the coloured stripes were not [...]
Maritime recon. version of the Bear, Caused the carriers I was on to launch many an Alert Five while cruising the Med. or transiting the Atlantic.
Corsair built the Tamiya kit in 1:48 scale.
This F4U-4B has all the same modifications as my other F4U-4B here on Imodeler, except that the wings are not folded, and I have used a flap set from the Verlinden F4U-4 detail set for the Hasegawa kit.
The weapons are 1000 lb bombs from [...]
This was originally intended to be the Tamiya 1/32 kit, but I got distracted when I just opened it's 1/48 cousin & at the same time came across a wealth of reference material for this squadron on the internet. Pretty much [...]
I built one of my Minicraft 1/48 F4U-4B kits with Tamiya 1/48 F4U wing fold hinge parts.
I made resin copies of Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1 oil cooler inlets, then cut out 3 of the vanes to modify them to match F4U-4 inlets. They have a much better [...]