iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Aviatik-Berg D.I – Flashback 1:48

Hi All! It's been a while I post anything but the summer is hot and modeling time limited when You really want to go to the beach or pub garden :). This is a contract work for the newly establishing aircraft history museum in Szolnok. They [...]

1/72 Revell P-47D “Ole cock III”

My first Build ever. It is part of Revell's gift set US Legends: 8th air force. It's painted with cheap brushes and my hand is not so stady, so 🙂 I hope you like it, and that's it 🙂 Thank you.

1/48 Hasegawa Hawker Hurricane Mk.1a, RAF, Squadron 151 (American Eagle), Pilot Flight Officer J.Havilland, Digby, October 1940.

1/48 Hasegawa Hawker Hurricane Mk.1a, RAF, Squadron 151 (American Eagle), Pilot Flight Officer J.Havilland, Digby, October 1940.

Fujimi 1/72 Mig-21 MF – Afghan livery

This was from a 2013 group build for our Tulsa club - 6 of us ended up finishing 21's (sorry - can't find those pics at the moment). I had an aftermarket decal set, and chose the Afghan version as I just liked the color scheme. The kit [...]

Revell 1/72 Be-6 Madge

This was a build from 2013, and was my first attempt at scratch building out a cockpit, and for using a oil dot filter treatment to breakup a single color scheme. This was an old kit, and the cockpit area was just a solid blank of plastic [...]

Spitfire MkIa, Airfix 1/72

Hello everyone This model I made a few months ago. New tool from Airfix. The kit is not bad, but the panels are too deep. Canopy is given as one-piece, and that's bad. Some say that the colors are not good, but I'm working on Airfix [...]

1/48 Hasegawa Messerschmitt Bf109 G-6 “Chevron I>” of Stab IV./JG 51, Uman, Early 1944

1/48 Hasegawa Messerschmitt Bf109 G-6 “Chevron I>” of Stab IV./JG 51, Uman, Early 1944

Heading to the finish line !!!

Greetings ! Hope the cellphone photos due this the process of finishing three modeling projects. How far I'll get I don't know and when they'll be finished is also an unanswered question. But, and here is the big idea...I am [...]

Bf 109F-4 (Zvezda 1/72)

This is my conversion of Zvezda's 109F-2 to F-4 easy assemble kit (snap fit). I've replaced propeller blades, modified air radiator intake (made it smaller), added additional armor glass windshield and made some other minor changes. Full [...]

Albatros D.VEduard 1/72 W.E.

The model that I made a few months ago. Eduard model, beautiful model, weekend edition so I had to do a couple things. WIP link (Regional Forum) (link) My YouTube Channel (link) If I violated the rules of the forum, please moderators to [...]