iModeler Reviews
Reviews of scale model kits, products and publications.
Review: Just arrived – Mikro-Mir 1/48 DeHavilland DH88 Comet
Just arrived an hour ago from Ukraine. $65 delivered via eBay.
I've long thought the DH88 Comet was one of the best-looking 1930s airplanes, and have wanted a 1/48 kit for a long time. Finally, Mikro-Mir delivers!
Looking through what's in [...]
Review: iModeler at the Movies
Well, it must be a great show that survives a poor host.
101 members, 85 topics, and way more than 2,000 posts!
Despite (or perhaps because of) my absence recently - this Group has been an outstanding success in terms of bringing the [...]
Review: 2019 IN REVIEW-A Year and an end to a Decade
So after several attempts finally got it too post. So lets end 2019. It was rather an ambitious plan to build at least 12 models several in Group Builds others just to add variety and planned before any GB's. I was able to actually [...]