Hi to all members,
I'd like to share with you the moment when I received the prize of the award for the best in show of the month of February ((link)). This was a really great occasion as our editor, Martin, brought the kit himself and [...]
I wasn't looking for this but I couldn't pass it up, an excellent over view of the F-4 in British service, with great photos and phacts about the Phantom. published by Key Ltd. 98 pages soft cover. A great reference for the Airfix new kit [...]
Having selected the Defiant for my award, Martin said there'd be a bonus included. and what a bonus! I'd like to thank all that make this site great! I have now in the Defiant a great selection for the RAF build.
Just a friendly reminder that the Nose Art Group Build is in progress and open for new entries. As of this posting, there are 29 members in the group, with 9 builds in progress and two completed. There are some colorful and interesting [...]
I know this is a bit off subject (a bit !) , I have a good friend ,a Limey like myself ,however he is currently residing in the U.S. of A ,Texas to be accurate and has brought me a couple exotic treats on his latest return home, trouble is [...]
HI All,
My name is Selvakumar and you can address me Selva in short. I have been following many model kits around the world and am very excited to enter into this venture. I currently live in India, a city called Pune which is 150 KM away [...]