This is the best kit I've ever put together, without a doubt. Beautifully engineered and produced, zero flash and no problems with any of the fit, apart from the front of the cockpit glazing being maybe half a millimetre too narrow to fit [...]
This is 1/32 Bf 110 C6 with the markings of 3U-XS from 8./JG 26 in Western desert late 1941.
I have used Revell’s Bf 110 C2/C7(ex Dragon) kit with AIMS Bf 110C-6 conversion set.
Cockpit was modified by Quinta Studio 3D resin interior [...]
Eduard's 1/48 Zero series is similar to previous offerings by the company. Texture surface is excellent and there are plenty of details. However, the engineering of the kit and the quality control are not up to the high standard of [...]
Hi all !
This is my latest model, the P47D 1/48 Italeri. My first metallic color kit, and trying to give this old used condition as usual...
The instruments in the cockpit with dry brush worked well. I also made my own masks for the canopy [...]
This is my interpretation of Wing Commander ‘Bee’ Beamont’s Tempest Mk. V, a plane he test-piloted for Hawker before flying it into combat with incredible skill, flipping V-1s amongst other acts of unbelievable daring. I hope he [...]
I needed a break from a number of more involved projects I was working on, so I decided to slap some paint on something I had never built before: a 1/3 scale firearm, in this case the Mk.18 Mod 0 CQBR by Trumpeter.
Quick and fun build, fun [...]
The first aircraft had its maiden flight in 1955. The aircraft had a Wing design that was revolutionary for the time, with a thin Profile and an unusual combination of high-lift devices such as flaps on the Wing trailing edge, lowerable [...]
Another great kit from Tamiya. As with his all of their newer kits, this one is essentially flawless. Similar to other recent Tamiya kits, the crew figures in this kit are a real step above what Tamiya produced in the past. It was a fun [...]
Newest piece for the museum. SAINT CHAMOND was the second French tank to enter the First World War. 400 manufactured between April 1917 to 1918. More of a heavy armoured vehicle, it fitted the description of early tank development. Its [...]