Going through things in storage here at the house, I've come across some models. Over the years, they got dinged in storage, but they were good models, worth restoring. This is from 2006. A Hasegawa Spitfire VIII with the Aeroclub drop-fit [...]
After I finished building my Massey Ferguson puller modification to the old Ertl 1155 kit, I really wanted to build a truly Modified puller tractor. I assumed there were no kits available since I had not run across one, and so would have [...]
This model has a bit of a story to it. It's a 1/48th Hasegawa F-14A Tomcat that was started over ten years ago by my son who modeled with me for many years starting at an early age. Fast forward to about ten years ago. He had come back [...]
Finally, after so many models made on commission, I managed to produce something for myself. A project that started without too many ambitions, carried out partially at home and partially on a site where I temporary live for work on a [...]
This Tu-134AK comes from the kit from Zvezda with etchparts from ExtraTech and decals from Revaro. The construction went quite well, as a small but not so obvious highlight was the installation of a homemade cockpit. It was painted with [...]
Hi everyone!
This is my Airfix 1/72 F-16A, finished as ANG's #79404 bird, based at Al Kharj Air Base in Saudi Arabia, during Operation "Desert Storm", 1991. The model was an entry to Chuck Villanueva's @uscusn "Desert [...]
I rarely re-visit a project...once its done I move on. However, as I have started coupling pilot figures with aircraft, I decided to upgrade one of my past projects so I could make it part of my collection.