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C-1 105mm Towed Howitzer Royal Canadian Artillery (M2A1) Scratch Built

This is a C-1 Howitzer built from Pine from Pictures. Yes I know, some of the pictures are a little dark. Building a new model, always a welcome challenge. Challenge is strength building.

M198 155mm Towed Howitzer Built from Scratch

This is the M198 I built for Somebody in the US. Mainly Pine, Glue Gun, lots of pictures.

Spitfire MkVI

This is my newest model Aircraft. Spitfire Mark six was not the best or the most favourable variant but I want to make it because it is unique and it’s ways. This is one of my foot-long’s built from scratch. Built from Pine.


Hello all. My Name is Aaron Bouma. I am an Autistic Scratch model builder. I am a proud Autistic Military Historian. I serve as Military Specialist for Carleton County New Brunswick Canada. I Own Bouma Woodworks where I build military [...]

Polikarpov Po-2, ICM, Hungary, 1957-1959

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, a short series of aviation history magazines were published in Hungary. The authors made an excellent summary of the Po-2 and its history in Hungarian use. Most of these biplanes were used either by the [...]


The Voltage Magazine is visiting some of the far-flung parts of the Universe. This week´s cover boy is Gary O´Donell, an universal electrician, 2nd class. Where the heck are we, Gary? You are in Four Delta section, son. We don´t get [...]

Pan Am Douglas DC-6B Clipper


Here’s my interpretation of the Boulton Paul Defiant Mk. I, N1801, “Coimbatore II”, from No.264 Squadron, Royal Air Force Duxford, flown by Flying Officer F. D. Hughes and Sergeant F. Gash (gunner). This is another excellent 1/48 [...]

gen. Joseph John Kruzel's P-40E

This time the article will not be long or colorful with fictionalized stories. As for the history of the fights, I do not intend to compete with the knowledge of Tom Cleaver (I hope @tcinla write some more informations) 🙂 I just wanted [...]

1/48 Eduard Bf-109 G-2 with oils

In the never ending quest for a simple yet fabulous weathering technique I tried some oils on this Eduard kit. It is the winter camo scheme of a Bf-109 G-2 stationed in Finland in 1943 and now my only regret is that I should have used a [...]