The story of George Beurling is quite well described on the i-modeler, so I will limit myself only to some of its elements. You probably remember how long I thought about choosing the plane. Reading the stories of various pilots, I became [...]
The RF-86 Haymaker has an interesting history. In a nutshell - there were more than a few modifications needed to turn a tactical day fighter into a strategic reconnaissance airplane. While it enjoyed a brief period of success, the [...]
I first heard about the Ta-152 in the popular magazine "1001 Modeling Ideas" around 1972 in an article on how to build one using parts from various Lindberg kits. The article showed by using the Lindberg FW190D how to begin. The [...]
On 19th of February 1942, just 73 days after the attack on Pearl Harbour (8th December 1941 Australian time) the Australian city of Darwin was bombed by the Japanese. The attack was led by Commander Mitsuo Fuchida, who had also led the [...]
Most Wellesley models focus on the Second World War service in the middle east. Not so many actually represent the home squadrons which were equipped with the bomber before the war. The first squadron to get the Wellesley was No. 7 - [...]
At the start of the week I applied decals, lightly weathered the aircraft, added the fine details and installed the canopy. With the aircraft completed I then detailed the display case and mounted the aircraft. The model will be packed up [...]
This is the Revell version of this iconic helicopter. An easy build with no real problems although a bit fiddley in places. The Rotor head and engine were given a black pin wash whilst the fuselage was weathered solely with pastels. The [...]
Italeri kits
It was a playful kit that came with a surfboard, so I followed the concept and played around with it as I pleased.
The wheels from Aoshima's Hilux were used to create a wide tread and high lift.
Each part of the body has been [...]