The Arma Hobby Database at iModeler

76 articles
  • Items tagged with Arma Hobby
  • 76 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 1 year, 3 months ago

Arma Hobby 1/48 Hurricane IIC

I recently did the Arma hobby Hurricane IIC. IT was a nice new tooled build of the venerable Hurricane. This is probably the best kit in 1/48 of this airframe. IT will be nice to see the series develope from Arma hobbys! Link to the [...]

Arma Hobby 1/72 P-39N

Love these Arma Hobby kits, even though they are a tad over-engineered. It probably took me about as much time to get the interior finished and the fuselage closed up, as it did all the rest of the process! The kit comes with a great set [...]

1/72 Arma Hobby P-39Q Old Crow

Bud Anderson (as of this writing) is the last living WW2 ace. He was born in Oakland California and joined the USAAF in January of 1942. He would be one of the best known pilots of the famous 357th Fighter Group and his planes Old Crow [...]

Arma P-39Q Airacobra 1/72 scale

With all the (apparently well-deserved) excitement about the release of the long-awaited 1/48 scale Arma Hurricane, I submit the following to show what really terrific kits Arma makes in the smaller scale, too. This is my third Arma kit. [...]

Video: Hurricane Mk.IIC - Arma Hobby 1/48Aircraft Model

Arma Hobby 1/48 Sea Hurricane IIc

The Hurricane Mark II was powered by a Merlin XX and had the wing center sections strengthened. Hawker had experimented with improving the fighter’s armament by fitting cannons. Their first experiments used two 20 mm Oerlikon cannons in [...]

Arma Hobby 1/72 P51 B/C Mustang

This is the best kit I've ever put together, without a doubt. Beautifully engineered and produced, zero flash and no problems with any of the fit, apart from the front of the cockpit glazing being maybe half a millimetre too narrow to fit [...]

Just landed on my porch! Arma 1/48 Hurricane IIc

So, after a wandering trip from Poland through the US Postal System (thanks, Louis DeNoJoy) of 9 days once the package landed in Florida, my order for two of the new Arma 1/48 Hurricane IIc's landed on the front porch this morning. Initial [...]

Review: Arma Hobby 1/48 Hurricane IIc Review

iModeler Review: Arma Hobby 1/48 Hurricane Mk. IIc

During my recent visit to Warsaw Modeling Festival, I had the pleasure of meeting Arma Hobby, and examining their brand-new 1/48 scale Hurrricane Mk. IIc kit. The company has generously given me access to sample sprues together with the [...]