The F-4 Database at iModeler

159 articles
  • Items tagged with F-4
  • 159 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 9 years, 1 month ago

McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II

Hasegawa 1/48th McDonnell Douglas F-4G Phantom II USAF 1991

An inspiration with the current Phantom Group Build, this Phabulous Phantom was started around 2007 and completed about 3 years ago. The F-4G Advanced Wild Weasel was from the 81st TFS, 52nd TFW were based out of Spangahlem AB, Germany [...]

1/48 Archangel 2005

Another one I finished last year. 1/48 Hasegawa F-4E I used a True Details cockpit and the decals are from Syhart

Aircraft Group Build – Survey Says: Phantoms!

I've tabulated the survey results. The top two contenders for the build were the F-4 Phantom and the WWII Japanese fighter/interceptor. The Phantom received one more 1st rank vote, but double the 2nd rank votes, so I'll call that a clear [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F-4 RAF F2

1/48 Hasegawa F-4 built OOB decals are from AirDoc. Painted with Lifecolors.

1/48 F-4C

1/48 Academy F-4C built OOB with the exception of some resin seats and painted with Lifecolor

1/48 F-4J

Another one of my phantoms. Hasegawa 1/48 F-4J, It has a resin cockpit ,dropped the slats and flaps and replaced them with resin and it has resin pylons

1/48 Academy F-4B

1/48 Academy F-4B built OOB except for some True Detail seats, decals are from Furball and the base is from 3Wire Design

1/48 Hasegawa FGR.2 Phantom

Here is my 1/48 Hasegawa FGR.2 Phantom. I obtained it from another modeller as a "partial build" kit- I think only the wings were asembled- it was so long ago, i forget! I bought some Seamless S****r resin intakes for it (UK Spey [...]

Academy 1/48th F-4B

Returning to my US Navy theme, one of my all time favourite aircraft the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom. The Academy version is a very nice model and certainly benefits from modern moulding technology. The one piece main fuselage is a big [...]

McDonnell F-4D Phantom, Monogram 1/48 scale

Here is the venerable Monogram F-4D Phantom in 1/48, a model that many of us have built at one time or another. The kit was built basically OOB, with the addition of Verlinden resin ejection seats and decals from the Furball [...]