The Hellcat Database at iModeler

167 articles
  • Items tagged with Hellcat
  • 167 articles
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  • Last addition 5 years, 7 months ago

Grumman F6F Hellcat

1/48 hasegawa F6F VBF-87

Fresh off the bench 10,000 Grumman built Hellcat . Paint with Mr color paints, mig wash. Aftermarket ites LF Models decals and eduard Brassin Resin Wheels . Slight issue on the decals tonight. The decals on the nose and other area Had [...]

On This Day…June 5th.

Stanley Winfield ‘Swede’ Vejtasa’s first assignment was with Scouting Squadron 5 (VS-5) aboard the carrier USS Yorktown from August 1939 to May 1942, during which time he shot down 3 Japanese fighters and damaged 1 while flying an [...]

On This Day…June 2nd.

Hampden TB.1 (AD852) UB-N - of 455 Squadron, RAAF Leuchars, Scotland, 2nd June 1943. Great angle to see that distinctive Hampden shape. And above, same aircraft and day, in flight. On June 2nd, 1943, one of the most astonishing [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 F6F-5 Hellcat U.S.S. Hornet VF-17 “Jolly Rogers”

the VF-17 "Jolly Rogers" were formed on January 1,1943 at NAS Norfolk under the command of LT. Commander John T. "Tommy" Blackburn as CO and Roger Hedrick as XO...Blackburn was a Buffalo and F4F pilot but VF-17 was the [...]

F6F-5K Hellcat + XAAM-N-2 Sparrow I (1/144 Platz)

Here we are in late 1940s / early 1950s, Point Mugu Test Center - Naval Air Station west of Los Angeles. First Sparrow, named XAAM-N-2 (X for experimental, A for air launched, another A for air target, M for missile, N as Navy and 2 - well [...]

F6F-3 Hellcat Eduard Weekend 1 /48

Hola a todos! Después de bastante tiempo sin publicar en i Modeler, por fin he terminado este modelo. Es un Hellcat que he montado al mismo tiempo que estoy dando un curso de pintura sobre este avión. No ha sido un modelo complicado de [...]

Hellcat mk ii Eduard 1/48

Colours: Gunze Varnish: Winsor Beatiful kit with.The only extra is seatbelts from eduard because it is the weekend edition.No fit problems. I also put 0.3 wire in the engine. Perfect fit with minimum putty and with very nice detail.

Eduard’s 1/48 Hellcat Mk.II

Hi everybody, first post here with Eduard’s hellcat in 1/48. Improvements were made to the rear landing leg, the machine gun barrels (hypodermic needle), the rocket cables and the exhaust. I also widened the wheels with plastic sheet as [...]

Eduard 1/48 F6F-5 Hellcat

An excellent model for construction, a rare Eduard model that you can say "shake and bake". I even built 1/72 Eduard Hellcat, and in this scale is also a great plastic.

Grumman Hellcat F6F-5N, Hasegawa 1/48

Classic model from Hasegawa. Have tried to use an old resin kit for the cockpit but it was a terrific fail 😛 I finally used the original part from the kit. I used for the first time paint from MIG Ammo. I had some issue with the Navy [...]