The Ki-44 Database at iModeler

20 articles
  • Items tagged with Ki-44
  • 20 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 5 months ago

Nakajima Ki-44 Shoki (Tojo)

1/72 Hasegawa Ki-44

I completed this 1/72 Hasegawa Ki-44 yesterday. I added a True Details cockpit which really cant be seen, gun barrels ane pitot tube from stainless steel tubing, leading edge landing light from clear sprue and a vac canopy from Dead [...]

China Skies 85th Sentai Nakajima KI-44 Shoki "Tojo" Hasegawa 1/48

Rehab of an old KI-44 from Manchukuo AF into the famous - at least for its camos - 85th Sentai,facing the Allies in the China skies... Hope you like it... Marcus

1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Hei Shoki

Here are some photos of my recently completed 1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Hei. First released in 1995, I think, this is the newest 1/48 scale Shoki kit available, so if you’re listening, scale model industry, it’s about time for a modern [...]

Nakajima Ki-44 tojo

This my first posting, since I joined.The kit was built oob , they only after market items , were a set of seatbelts from eduard. The kit fit well and was an enjoyable build. It is finished as plane flown by Capt Teiichi Hatano, 3 [...]

1/48 Otaki Ki-44 Shoki

Here is my straight out of the box 1/48 Otaki Ki-44, kit decals and all. Working my way up to the nicer Hasegawa and Tamiya kits I have in my stash. Hope you enjoy and thank you for letting me share!

1/48 Hasegawa Ki-44 -II Otsu "Tojo"

This great little kit is OOB bar me painting the main markings except for the tail flash and numbers. Paints are Tamiya, Mr Hobby & Alclad. Happy Modelling Darren

Empire of Japan Group Build, 1/32 Hasegawa Ki-44-II Hei, Shoki “Tojo” of the 246th “Flight Regiment”

This is a plane that I recently finished up. It was built as part of our "Empire of Japan" group build. This build was started after a small cleaning accident occurred. I keep most of my stash model kits stored on wire rack [...]

1/48 Arii Nakajima Ki-44 II Hei Shoki (Tojo)

Nakajima Ki-44 II Hei Shoki (Tojo) Imperial Japanese Army, 1 Yasen Hoju Hikotai, Singapore, 1944 Pilot: Captain Ryotaro Jobo This is my third build for the Empire of Japan group. Not a bad kit for being so old. What it lacks in the cockpit [...]

Banzai!…1/48 Nakajima Ki-44-II Otsu Shoki ”Tojo” 40mm cannon, Imperial Japanese Army

The Empire of Japan group build entries continue. After an army and two navy subjects now another one from the army. Hasegawa kit oob, only added Eduard seatbelts, EZ line for the antenna wires and plastic rod pieces for the landing gear [...]

Pre-production Ki-44, 47th Independent Flight Company

This is another kit from a while ago. I built it in 2014. The subject this model represents is Ki-44 No. 4405, which was the 5th pre-production (prototype) aircraft, flown by Maj Toshio Sakagawa, commander of the 47th Dokuritsu Hiko [...]