The Lynx Database at iModeler

12 articles
  • Items tagged with Lynx
  • 12 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 2 months ago

Westland Lynx - British multi-purpose military helicopter designed and built by Westland Helicopters in Yeovil.

Revell 1/32 Westland Lynx

Here is my recently completed Lynx. I used the BigEd pe set and the scalewarship rotor fold set with extensive scratch building. The model was finished with Tamiya XF's and weathered with pastels although in operational use the Lynx was [...]

Westland Lynx AH-7Airfix 1/48

Here is my Airfix Westland Lynx AH-7, representing a British Army machine serving in Afghanistan. It is my first helicopter ever. I took care to preserve all of the beautiful rivet detail of the kit through careful fitting and no excess [...]

1/48th Westland Lynx AH.7

This is the Airfix, 1/48th scale AH.7 Lynx. This was a superb kit, but it took me a long time to finish it because the fit tolerances were so tight, I spent a lot of time making adjustments to get the fuselage to fit around the interior [...]

On This Day 2 August 1990, Iraq invades Kuwait

I't s a nice sunny hot Thursday morning flying up the California coast to NAS Bremerton, Washington. Just left Moffet topping off the tanks for the final leg of the flight. Pilot, Lt Luis "Ball" Saenz,co-pilot Lt Cdr [...]

Let’s try this again…

I have a thing for the Panther G, those who followed my now "paused" build of the RFM Panther will understand this. I still plan on tackling that beast again after I figure out how to deal with some of the kits problems, the [...]

Westland Lynx HAS 3S, XZ250, Black Cats, 702 Sqn Royal Navy Yeovilton England 2007.

1/72 Hobby Boss, with a few modifications and additions, finished in MM enamels with Future over kit decals, built for the Year of the Cat GB, more pic's there.

Westland UH 14A Lynx, Royal Netherlands Navy 1977.

1/72 Revell, finished in mainly Humbrol and MM enamels with Tamiya X22+X21 over kit decals.

AH.7 Lynx, Afghanistan 2006

Long time no speak, iModeler! Here is a Lynx gifted to me by my wife's grandmother Mary, who we all called Nan. She was a very special lady, veteran of ww2 WAAF, and tough as nails. I only wish she got to see this sooner...

1:32 Revell Lynx Mk.88

Something a bit different from me today, a helicopter. Built pretty much OOB with just a slight tweak to the decals to change the aircraft's identity and the sonar instrument station was fully wired. An enjoyable kit with only a couple of [...]

Airfix 1/48 AH.7 Lynx, SFOR Headquarters, Ilidza, Bosnia 1998

Hello all! I present to you my Airfix 1/48 scale Lynx helicopter. I wanted to build this one to represent a Lynx that we landed next to in Ilidza, Bosnia, back in 1998. All I had to go on was one less-than-stellar photo that I took, so [...]