The Mustang Database at iModeler

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North American P-51 Mustang fighter

RAF Mustang III 1944, Arma Hobby 1/72

Today, I'm posting about a 1/72 Mustang III from Arma Hobby. I tried to recreate an aircraft as it appeared in early 1944 when it was deployed with the RAF's No. 19 Squadron. As you all know, this Mustang B/C type kit from Arma Hobby is [...]

Accurate Miniatures F6B Tac Recce Mustang

Although not quite a gem as I initially perceived (read TC's comment), Accurate Miniature's recce Mustang is a nice build. Removal effects of the invasion stripes are the focal point of the model.

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 Mustang I

This kit is not easy to assemble like the Tamiya's four blade counter part. The old Aeromaster "Early Mustangs" decal sheet enabled me to immerse in a forgotten, but colorful corner of the P-51 history.

Review: Eduard P-51B 2 seat "hack" (conversion)

Once the P-51D with its bubble canopy providing 360-degree visibility started showing up in VIII Fighter Command units in the summer of 1944, the days of the P-51B were numered, despite most pilots acknowledging the earlier Mustang had [...]

Cripes A Mighty Eduard 1/48

I have a list of Mustangs I want on the shelf and at the top is Preddy's Cripes. @lgardner wrote a great story about Cripes for his beautiful 1/32 build. This lead me down another rabbit hole regarding the history of 44-13321. As Louis [...]

1/32 P-51D Mustang Tamiya 60322

This is my attempt to build Tamiya’s 1/32 P51 Mustang. The kit was given to me by my friends for my 50th birthday (thanks again guys!). My first plane in a natural metal finish, and it fought me until the end, probably because of my lack [...]

Revell 1969 Mustang

The back story: In 1969 I bought a brand new Mustang. I was a senior in high school and had saved my summer job money for years. It was bright yellow with the basic 302 ci engine. Black interior. I took it to college the next year. [...]

Operation Overlord Part 1 “Eduard P-51B 1/48”

Excited to share my completed opened Eduard P-51B 1/48 as my first contribution to an Operation Overlord Group Build I’m participating in. This build went together in just over a month along with 2 other fighters which really challenged [...]

Bud's other "Old Crow"Airfix P-51D

I realized just now that I never posted a full article on Bud Anderson's other "Old Crow," the P-51D-15 he flew during his second tour with the 357th. I did this with the Airfix 1/48 P-51D when it came out back in 2015. I had the [...]

Bud Anderson's P-51B "Old Crow"

The Airplane: After my friend Brigadier General Clarence E. “Bud” Anderson passed away on 17 May 2024, and having received review copies of the new Bullseye decals for 357th Fighter Group P-51Bs, I decided to make this model of Bud’s [...]