The Mustang Database at iModeler

403 articles
  • Items tagged with Mustang
  • 403 articles
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  • Last addition 12 years ago

North American P-51 Mustang fighter

1/48 Tamiya P-51B Mustang "Berlin Express"

Supporting force for the rescue unit. This is P-51B Mustang finished with the markings of “Berlin Express” (43-24823) which was flown by Lt. William B. Overstreet of 363rd FS (357 FG) . Cockpit floor has corrected by adding a plastic [...]

Arrival of a “Major Award!”

A wonderful surprise on getting home Friday. My understanding wife met me at the door with a big smile, "Your 'major award' was delivered!" Not wasting the chance for the season appropriate, 'A Christmas Story' reference, I [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-51C Mustang

Again a Tamiya Mustang but this time C version. This is 1/48 P-51C Mustang finished with the markings of 43-24959 Gladys from 26th FS 51st FG in Kunming China during 1944 autumn. The construction started with the painting of cockpit [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-51D Mustang

Here is my 1/48 Tamiya P-51 D Mustang finished few years ago with the markings of “Detroit Miss” from 375th FS / 361th FG , 8 th AF. This natural metal Mustang was flown by Lt.Urban Drew. Drew ‘s airplane carried 374th FS colour [...]

Summing up 2012!

Not a very good year modelling-wise with only three kits finished. The fact that two of them are very small doesn't make it more impressive either! So here we go, two MiG-21s from Eduard in 1/144 scale. One Slovak one in the [...]

Red Baron

Recently, we had several mentions of the racing Mustangs: here, here and here, so I thought it is the right moment to pull out this from my archives. Here is the model of the most famous of them all, the Red Baron, seen at the Scale [...]

P-51D Mustang 1/32 TamiyaNovember's win

Hi guys, after agreement with the sponsor of the competition I would like to share with you my feelings of this kit :). It is simply gorgeous ! All parts are made absolutely great without burrs. Rivets are very accurate like other details [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F-4E Phantom

Hey Guys, this one is for a friend, it may sound bad but i would like to win him the 1/32 MUSTANG ! he has helped me so much with my modelling and couldn't think of a better surprise, Aftermarket sets used, Aires cockpit, aussie [...]

P-51D Mustang

Tamiya 1/48 scale North American P-51D Mustang of the 4th Fighter Squadron, 3rd Air Commando Group.

F-51-R Interceptor 1/48th scale High Planes Models

Had England fallen to Germany and the Luft '46 “Amerika-Bomber” been produced in large numbers and able to bomb America, it would have to be intercepted and fast. Before the fall of England Rolls Royce was able to send to Packard the [...]