The P-47 Database at iModeler

263 articles
  • Items tagged with P-47
  • 263 articles
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  • Last addition 1 year, 9 months ago

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt

56th Fighter group I wanted wings Button Nose D-22

Looking to build and paint a model as historical correct to a date in time as possible I am new here and this will be my first model I have made in maybe 20 years The subject of my model is 56th FG P47 Thunderbolt D-22 LM*A bar July [...]

P-47D 'Razorback' Thunderbolt - Squirt IIin 1/48 Scale

This was supposed to be quite a straightforward build of Tamiya's excellent 1/48 scale P-47D-22 Razorback kit with some Kits World decals. I wanted to do the full invasion stripes markings worn by 'Squirt II' on D-Day itself as it's a very [...]

RIP Norris Graserwhat a shock!

Just heard that Norris Graser died of a heart attack this past Sunday. Man! That is such a shock! I was emailing with him 2 weeks earlier; he asked me for some ideas of "P-47s not previously done to death" from my research for [...]

Seen at Atlanta IPMS show/contest 2/25/'23, #8

About an hour after posting this I came across an ~ 31 minute YouTube video on the show at URL: (link) I recommend the video as it is more inclusive than my photos with better color reproduction.

P-47D "Sweetie" 1/48th Tamiya, Bombshell Decals

This is my rendition of the P-47D-5 RE PZ-R SN 42-8412 Sweetie flown by Luther Richmon from the 352nd Fighter Group, 487th Fighter Squadron, Bodney England from July 1943 to April 1944. The Tamiya kit is a wonderful build and well [...]

Republic P-47D “Luckys’ Lady”

This is a Monogram 1/48 P-47D . The box is dated 1967 and was still shrink wrapped. It’s from the collection of a modeler, Mr Claude Good, that passed away about 1 year ago at age 86. It is my interpretation of Captain Frank [...]

P-47S Thunderhog? for the twenty first century. 1/72 Revell.

This started out as Revells 1/72 P-47M. Until my twisted mind spent too much time figuring out what scheme to choose. The result is a somewhat updated Thunderbolt. Utilizing modern ground attack weapons, some additional bumps and antennae [...]

1/48, Hobby Boss, P-47 D

Hobby Boss, P-47D in 1/48. A very simple kit with few parts. Most of the time was spent creating rivets, correcting mistakes and sanding. Have a great day, everyone!

Tamiya 1:48 P-47M (Kit #61096*2800)

The title is a bit misleading as this is supposed to be an F-47D-40-RA and Tamiya supplies extra parts to do so. The F-47D came about as the new U.S.A.F. changed from Pursuit to Fighter. If you want to see a photo of the actual aircraft, [...]

1/48 Tamiya P-47 M

This kit sat in the storage closet for 15+ years I'm glad I finally got to it as it is a fabulous kit. The only aftermarket items used were Master gun blast tubes, Kits of the World 3D seatbelts and Superscale Decals. Polyscale and [...]