Revell model kits
1198 articles
Built from the Monogram/Revell kit. Lot's of fit issues with much filling, sanding, re-scribing. Managed to lose 2 of the guns inside during construction. Got lots of dust in the glass nose from all the sanding. When I attempted to tap the [...]
This is the Revell boxing of the Hasegawa 1/48 Henschel Hs129B-2 kit, featuring the North African option (Blue O). Built OOB with tape belts and painted with Modelmaster enamels.
The colours are RLM 79/80 over RLM 65 as the plane was an [...]
This is the older Revell Bf109G-10 kit, also done in Italian RSI markings.
It's a very straightforwards kit, with basic detail (no slats and flaps to play with!) and apart from a too-small Prop diameter, a fairly accurate rendition of the [...]
My recently finished Revell 737 with Braz winglets. Nice kit, but needs adjustments. This is my first airliner, and I think it came out quite well!
I used cheap rattle can for the white parts, and Revell 31 for the nose.
Enjoy, and feel [...]
Hello everybody on imodeler!
First of all, this is my first post here, and I think this is a nice page!
So, here is my recently build. Nice and easy, and it went together quite nice! I used Humbrol paints, and they were airbrushed. I hope [...]
This is the Revell (Hasegawa) Gates Learjet in 1/48 scale.
Despite its age the kit is really nice, well ok you’ll have to live with the raised panel lines. This is my only airliner/bizjet so far and I built is just because I like the [...]
Here is my 1/48 Revll Germany He-111H-22. I got it second hand from a good internet model friend in England. I had not really considered doing a doodlebug carrier, until I found out what this kit included. When I saw an aeromaster sheet [...]
Here's a very useful instructional video explaining what you can get in the Revell kit boxes - as most of the time you actually get repackaged products of other companies!