1/35, AFV Club, Stuart M5A1 (early), USMC.
This article is part of a series:
- Wingnut Wings Albatros D.V
- Hiding From the Jabos!
- 1/35, AFV Club, Stuart M5A1 (early), USMC.
- Pzkfw IV Ausf D, 1/35, Tamiya
- Saturday, Dec 6th, 1941…
- A Day at the Museum…
- 10th Mountain, M-29 Weasel
- Comrades!
- “Let me at ’em”
- P-40E Diorama
- "Forward To Destiny"
- “PATROL”…Empire of Japan Group Build, Type 97 Chi-Ha.
- "Luftwaffe Group Build Vignette"
- HETZER: Tamiya 1/48
- U.S. M20 Vignette
- "Down but Not Out", USMC Piper NE-1
- WC-54 Ambulance Vignette: “War and a Piece”
- LVT-2, Tarawa
- “Silent Sentinel”: M10 Tank Destroyer
Greetings again from Williamsport, PA. Presenting to you another diorama I completed a couple of years ago. This time it's a Pacific, USMC tank commander mapping out a plan of action with some Marine infantry. The Stuart is the 1/35, AFV Club, M5A1 Light Tank (Early) #AF35S60 kit, painted with Vallejo Model Air Olive Drab and then weathered with washes of thinned oil paint, dry brushing to highlight detail and then given some dusting with Vallejo pigments (wet and dry applications) as well as some Tamiya pastels. Scratch built sandbags, tarps and cable were added for some more realism. The USMC tank commander is the 1/35, resin, Warriors figure item #35281 and I'm sorry to say I don't recall what the radio team figures are….maybe Verlinden. All figures were painted with Vallejo Model Color acrylics. The vegetation is various dry grasses added at random until I thought it looked liked a pacific island. Hope you like. Take care and keep modeling. More in the near future.
As always...KEEP IT FUN!
Nice realistic diorama. Good work!
Yeah...what he said. 🙂
Very nice Gary! Looks both pacific and terrific to me my friend! The grasses really look the part as well!
so nice, great DIO!
Great diorama! good to Marine armor.
Very nice!
Great looking dio, Gary! Very realistic.
Nice diorama! Very convincing.