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Mike Carter
7 articles

First post…Please be gentle

September 19, 2018 · in Ships · · 27 · 3.5K

Evening all,

I've been lurking here for a bit and amazed at all the fantastic work. To be honest, I've been hesitant to post my stuff since I don't think it measures up to everyone else. But here goes.

These are my two latest completions. The sub is a Hobbyboss Alfa-class which I dorked the paint up on and had to sand down and redo twice. The is the .

I'm happy to hear any and all inputs. Thanks for looking.

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

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27 responses

  1. Doesn't appear that the "dorking up" was fatal. 🙂

    I wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me.

  2. They are very nice. The alpha class turned out beautifully. Keep posting. Please show some more subs if you have them - I haven't noticed any on Imodeler.

  3. Michael @chrgr440rt, Welcome to iModeler! This stuff looks great. As Tom C stated, I would have never known the paint was "dorked up" unless you had told me. Let me guess, you are a Mopar Fan? 🙂

  4. Michael these have come up very well!
    Some more photos please.

  5. Welcome to iModeler, my friend...and there's absolutely no need for any "hesitation" on your part to share your builds. They look great!

  6. Hi Michael (or Boba)

    Well done on posting, it’ll be great for your skills and you’ll learn tons. Judging by the builds here you are already ahead of the curve and better than you think you are.

    Off to a great start.

  7. nice work...welcome aboard and keep it going

  8. Hey Michael, Welcome! Those builds look nice to me. And hey, if you like them, that's all that really matters. Good job!

  9. Michael @chrgr440rt, what are you talking about? No, I won't be gentle!
    These models you dared to show us are just fantastic. Great paint jobs _ they look so clean.
    Looking forward to see more of your constructions, and progress shots too. 😉

    Welcome to iModeler.

  10. I think its very nice work actually. I especially like the Submarine.


  11. Nicely done Michael, and welcome aboard. Lots of nice folks here and you can learn a lot as well.

  12. Welcome! Don't worry about us - we're a friendly bunch! You're first two look great - looking forward to seeing more.

  13. Knowing nothing about submarines, so I have no idea if that sub looks anything like the real thing, but it does look cool. A real nice finish.

  14. The Alfa came out great as did the Beaufighter! Welcome.

  15. Smashing builds ! The Alpha reminds me of the movie The Hunt for Red October.

  16. Some good models on show Michael. Welcome to an AWESOME site. Never think your modelling skills are inferior. We are all still learning to master the craft. The good thing here is that everyone is always willing to help and criticism if any, are always constructive!

  17. Welcome to iModeler, Michael.

    Great looking "first showings" too!

  18. Hey there, great work, I look forward to seeing more of your posts, keep them coming.

  19. Hello Michael, welcome to iModeler. Great work you are showing. The sub looks fantastic and as an aircraft fan myself I realy like your Beaufighter. I'm looking forward to your postings.

  20. Welcome onboard at iModeler! The Beaufighter is one of my personal favorite airplanes, but I find your Alpha Class sub particularly interesting - we haven't seen that many samples of it before.

  21. Welcome and wonderful models!

  22. Thanks all for the encouraging comments. I just always compare myself to the Shep Paines, Bob Letterman's, Lewis Preuneau's, and others of the world.

  23. Welcome to the site ! You have built some wonderful models.

    I like your email handle... I'm into the old Mopars too, as are several others on here.

    You'll fit right in.

  24. Welcome to iModeler, Michael @chrgr440rt .

    Great models, wonderfully done!

    I really like that sub!



  25. No apologies necessary. Looks good. This hobby is about continual improvement and the greatest amount of improvement tends to come early on, so keep it at and you'll be surprised at how fast you improve.

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