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Jay Mitchell
34 articles

1978 Monogram ME-262 Revisited

May 25, 2021 · in Aviation · · 20 · 2.2K

This was my 7th and last build for 2020. This kit's box and instruction sheet had a copyright date of 1978. The decals were in poor condition and not useable. Fortunately I had some decals from an Italeri kit. It was built out of the box and I followed the painting instructions that came with the kit since my paint inventory coincided with the colors called out by .

For a 40-year old kit it is pretty nice. It went together without too much trouble. It makes a nice addition to my collection.

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14  Awesome

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20 responses

  1. Great job on this classic.

  2. Actually building this one right now. And so far just the typical Monogram challenges but nothing that puts me off. Excellent paint scheme. The shape and size is accurate and the raised panel lines does not take away the overall appeal of the model. Nice to see another one built. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nice build, looks great. The way you painted this kit exactly like the box art, it made me go back to my senior year in high school and a few years after. My friend build this kit and quite a few in the club back in the early to mid 80’s. Monogram was king back then and your build brought that back. ?

    • By the way, your red P-39 in the back ground looks pretty cool!

      • Thanks for your comments, @v1pro! I appreciate them. I thought the 262 turned out pretty good, I enjoy building older kits, especially Monogram .
        That P-39 is diecast model of a a post war racer. It was being flown over the Great Lakes and disappeared with its pilot, a sad ending. I don’t think it ever got to participate in a race.

  4. This is such a wonderful build of this classic kit, Jay!
    I too love putting together old kits!

    • It really is a great kit, perhaps one of the top 262 models available today .

      Thank you Spiros @fiveten for the encouraging words. I tend to gravitate towards older kits, but I was impressed by the 1/48 Trumpeter MiG-3 I built last year. It went together so nicely, it was almost like it wanted to be built. It’s the only Trumpeter kit I’ve ever built, so I don’t know if all theirs are like that or not. Eventually I’d like to get one of their 1/32 MiG -3s and build it.

  5. Fantastic result on this oldie, Jay.
    It surely is a great addition to your collection.

  6. My favorite aircraft of all! Your Monogram model turned out really nice! I think its a great kit; I've finished one myself! 🙂

  7. 🙂 ... Greetings ... 🙂 :
    Just looking at the Monogram logo and instruction sheet is a very warm and nice feeling,
    it brings back memories.
    Very nicely done Jay !
    The painting of the camouflage and slight mottle effect are so well done, nice overall work.

    • Hello @de4ever, I have a lot of pleasant memories from building Monogram kits in the 1970s, it was an exciting time, all those big bomber kits coming out ! I bought that B-17G kit when it first was released, very exciting , I think it was around $10. Their F-5E was another awesome model... I’d like to find one of those to build again !

  8. Very nice indeed Jay!

    • Thank you David @davem... always nice to read your comments ! Thanks again for all your help on that Spitfire... I was ready to give up on it. I named the pilot figure after you , Group Captain David Mills.

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