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gary sausmikat
81 articles

P47D: "No Guts... No Glory..."

December 18, 2021 · in Aviation · · 26 · 2.1K

Hi All,
Most likely my last post for 2021. Yup, another . This time the , P47D from depicting 84th FS/78th FG, “No Guts...No Glory”, piloted by Maj. Ben Mayo.

The Hobby Boss, 1/48, P-47D:
Built OOB, minus decals.
Though not quite up to Tamiya detail standards this was still a fun and trouble free build. I'm sure there will be those who will find fault with the simplicity of these kits but I'm not looking for perfection, just looking to build and have fun. ('ll never find it in any kit or build anyways!)
So, if you are looking for an affordable, approximately half the cost of a Tamiya, 1/48, P-47D, I would recommend these kits. She certainly looks like a P-47D.

Thunder Cals decals, No. 48-006
These decals did not disappoint at all. Though the Tamiya kits are recommended they still fit the HB kit nicely. Great instructions for each aircraft offered, easy to work with, snuggled down nice, no problems using MicrSol and most importantly, look great! The checkered nose decals were spot on and conformed to the cowling without a hitch. Highly recommended.
I chose the scheme depicted because of the upper RAF Dark Green color...something different from Olive Drab.
Fundekals Black Stripes on empennage white stripes borders. (thanks, Tom)

Mr. Surfacer 1200 Gray primer
AK Real Colors RC286, RAF Dark Green
AK Real Colors RC004, Flat White
Mr Surfacer 1500 Black (for the invasion stripes)

Weathered with my usual techniques. Artist oils wash for shadows and color variation as well as highlights via dry brushing. Old school techniques but work for me.

Hope you like this build.
So until next's a hobby, KEEP IT FUN!

Reader reactions:
8  Awesome

7 additional images. Click to enlarge.

26 responses

  1. That’s a nice looking Thunderbolt !

  2. Nice job on this Gary. The HB P-47 is a nice no-frills kit.

    I have this sheet, plus a Tamiya razorback and a bubbletop. Good to know the decals go down so easily. I really like the research that went into them - like the 20-inch wing stripes.

    • As always, Thanks, Tom. I have a couple of these decal sets and some more Tams on the shelf. Too bad HB does not have a Razorback version. The T'Cals sets are mostly for that version.

  3. Very nice painting scheme! I like your build!

  4. Beautiful Bolt, Gary @gwskat
    The checkerboard pattern makes it look even better.

  5. Great looking model Gary! ?

  6. Nice job Gary, great looking P-47!

  7. This is your 3rd ‘Bolt in a row, right Gary? Great choice of color scheme and markings. Nice to hear these HB Easy kits are decent. Well done again!

  8. Usually the thirds ones a charm Gary, but it looks like all three T-Bolts are each charmers!
    Nice finish with the HB kit and that cowling does look perfect.
    Did many P-47s have the rear Fundekals Black Stripes?

    • Thanks, George!
      Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question in regards to how many P-47 squadrons outlined the white with black on the tail. That may have been a preference to a squadron or an individual. I may be reading part of that question wrong and you may already be aware but Fundekals is the name of the company that provides the decals stripes I used.

      • Hey Gary (@gwskat), thanks and I actually thought the name of the stripes were 'Fundekals' not realizing that the word is 'Fun-Decals', I got a chuckle out of that.
        I guess that if I have seen aircraft with white tail strips with the black borders before, I never really notice then until i saw your post.

        • Hi George @georgeswork

          I'm certainly not an expert on P-47 markings so I followed the decal instructions and the built model, with this scheme, depicted on the ThunderCals website. Most of the pics I have seen, while researching, show the 78thFS Razorback versions sporting the black border white tail stripes but I also came upon this pic that shows the same tail markings. Anyways, right or wrong, I think they look sharp. Thanks again for your kind words.

          1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  9. Great looking P-47 Gary, those decals worked a treat.

  10. Great looking T-bolt! I always like the checkerboard cowls, but have chickened out to-date in attempting one! One day I'll muster the gumption!

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