53 articles · 6.8K karma · 31 friends · active 16 hours, 3 minutes ago

I have been married since 2002 and have two wonderful children. i work as a 3d animator and I used to be a UH-60 Crew Chief from 1993 - 1999.

Airfix 1/48 AH.7 Lynx, SFOR Headquarters, Ilidza, Bosnia 1998

Hello all! I present to you my Airfix 1/48 scale Lynx helicopter. I wanted to build this one to represent a Lynx that we landed next to in Ilidza, Bosnia, back in 1998. All I had to go on was one less-than-stellar photo that I took, so [...]

1/48 scale Italeri AH-1W Cobra, Glamoc Gunnery Range, Bosnia Herzegovina, 1998

Hello all! from my "Good from Afar but Far from Good" collection, I present to you my AH-1W Cobra. It is the Italeri kit with the following upgrades: Cobra Company cockpit Cobra Company exhaust correction kit scratch-built [...]

Bandai 1/72 VF-1S Valkyrie

Robotech (Macross in Japan) was my favorite cartoon to watch when I was a kid. It was different then anything else I had seen before it: GI Joe, Transformers, whatever. For the first time, I saw a cartoon that was actually somewhat [...]

UH-1H Huey, A Co. Little Bears, 25th Avn BN, Cu Chi, Republic of Vietnam 1969

Hello! This is the Italeri 1/48 scale UH-1H Huey that I built for a friend and fellow veteran, who asked that I build for his brother, who is also a veteran and also a fellow former crew chief. This is meant to represent his bird while [...]

1/48 scale Monogram A-1H Skyraider

Hello all! In the hopes of instigating another flash mob group build, I present to you my Monogram A-1H Skyraider that I had finished a couple years ago. I built it for a buddy of mine to represent his uncle's Spad flown over Vietnam. [...]

OK, I’ll play along! Monogram 1/48 scale F-8 Crusader

Inspired by the last few posts, here is my Monogram 1/48 scale F-8 Crusader. I used the Cobra Company landing gear set and resin ejection seat, some foil from a wine bottle to make a simple seatbelt harness and I used stock decals that [...]

May Prize Arrived!

I am so pleased to be the winner of May's Random Drawing! My prize arrived today - Airfix's 1/48 scale BF-109E4/N TROP. This will be the perfect model to try out my new airbrush on! Many, many thanks to iModeler and the iModeler [...]

Monogram 1/24th scale '53 Corvette

Hello! This is a model of the Monogram ’53 Corvette that I built for my vintage ’53 Dad. I started building this model for him when I was 16, which was 22 years ago! I have been carrying it around with me throughout the years and [...]

Academy 1/35 M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle

Hello everybody! Here is my Academy 1/35 scale M2 Bradley. I picked this kit up while stationed in Korea back in 1995/96. It only took me until a month ago to finish! I pretty much built it out of the box, aside form adding some [...]

1/48 scale EF-4C Phantom

Hello! Here is my Monogram F-4C, converted to an EF-4C using TwoBobs decals and some scratch-built parts. Before there was the F-4G dedicated Wild Weasel platform, the USAF modified some existing C model airframes by adding various sensors [...]