10 articles · 0.6K karma · 3 friends · active 11 months, 3 weeks ago

Special Hobby 1/72 SB2A-4 Buccaneer

Special Hobby's kit is quite good, albeit of the older type of their kits. With relatively moderate effort it turns out fine. The interior is unexpectedly complete for the scale, but it takes plenty of test fitting to ensure a tight [...]

Cyberhobby 1/72 S61A Sea King Antarctica Observation

A very good kit, very rich in detail. Comparing the kit with photos of the real helicopter, the kit gives some extra pieces that I'm not sure if the were to be used, yet other details aren't there at all. Eduard interior and few scratch [...]

A pair of Fairey Fireflies, AZ model 1/48

So, here's my take on a favourite airplane of mine. I decided early on to divert from the classic paint schemes and go for the more colorful, obscure schemes. So here we have an Ethiopian plane with an interesting camouflage, and an Indian [...]

Nakajima Type 11, Early production (Irving), Tamiya 1/48

Okay, I must admit I had forgotten what Tamiya stands for. Abundance of detail, no flash, perfect fit (I didn't use any glue for the landing gear...). I used Eduard's p.e. set, a value for money set that provides lots of extra details. I [...]

UH-34d 1/48 Gallery Models

After about 2.5 months of exclusive building and a quarantine, this is now over. It is the uh-34 by Gallery Models, which is now sold by Trumpeter. A few words about the kit: It is good, rich in detail and plain ok for the asking price. It [...]

Zvezda Su-2 1/48

Zvezda's Su-2 is a decent kit, with lots of detail for a fair price. It has its drawbacks, such as the void of detail bomb bay, but goes together without major issues. For this project I used Eduard's p.e. set as well as parts from Mars [...]

AMP Sikorsky HO3S-1 1/48

Lovely kit by AMP of this rather odd-looking but useful early helicopter. Being a fan of the non-mainstream I couldn't help myself. The kit is very complete in its offering; Besides the plastic you get a p.e. fret and masks. I did some [...]

Trumpeter 1/48 Seafang

This is the definition of relaxed build. Low part count, fantastic fit, adequate detail. The only issue worth mentioning is the ill fitting of the canopy in the open position. Basically it's as if it was designed to remain closed. It needs [...]

This for me was the type of kits...

This for me was the type of kits that you start with optimism and ambition for a nice build and end up wanting to get on with it and move on with your life... For starters, there are several small and delicate pieces and all of them needed [...]

Eduard’s 1/48 Hellcat Mk.II

Hi everybody, first post here with Eduard’s hellcat in 1/48. Improvements were made to the rear landing leg, the machine gun barrels (hypodermic needle), the rocket cables and the exhaust. I also widened the wheels with plastic sheet as [...]