126 articles · 66.6K karma · 135 friends · active 9 hours, 22 minutes ago

I build 1/72 aircraft, from WWII forward, only build them wheels-up. Until Dec. 2019, all my models were brush-painted (or rattle can if NMF). I finally entered the modern age of the airbrush at the end of that year.

Dad was a fighter pilot so I grew up on airbases - he was trained in T-28, T-34 & T-33, then flew F-100, F-101, F-105, F-4 (Cam Ranh Bay) and T-38 (as IP).

I'm a member of Tulsa Modeler's Forum club (www.tulsaipms.org).

Live in Tulsa, 6 kids, 1 GREAT wife.

Love the outdoors and good friends (stop and visit anytime you're in Tulsa!)

REALLY hope to build my complete stash before I die (does anyone actually know someone who has accomplished this?)!

I'm also a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, so if you ever feel the need for some extra prayer, feel free to reach out.

Year In Review 2017

Well, I started off the year with an experiment: a 2017 build plan (see here if interested: (link) ). I ended up completing 4 of the 11 proposed builds, and 7 total. I got distracted by group build opportunities and other surges of [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 Jaguar GR. Mk. 1A – Operation Granby / Desert Storm

Finished this morning. The only modifications were: Drill out the area for the nose lens and added clear sprue sanded to shape, with a depression painted sliver for the lens; drilled extra gun exhaust holes; drilled out the airbrakes and [...]

Where do project ideas come from? ...

For the first time, at the beginning of the year I set up a proposed build plan for 2017. I didn't come anywhere close! "Best laid plans of mice and men..." However, I've now gotten a wild hair to build a representation of [...]

Help Please! I’m Planning to Bite The Bullet…

After brushing on 4 coats of "Desert Pink" paint on my Jaguar and STILL not getting the coverage I want, and watching a recent video on hairspray chipping to get a nice winter white wash effect, I've decided I'm going to have to [...]

Plaque and Medal Display Design

Last week, my wife helped me figure out how to get the model award plaques out of my display cabinets (to make more room for the eventual migration of subjects from stash to display) and medals I've acquired over the years, into some [...]

Italeri 1/72 F-5F Tiger II – Sundowners aggressor

This is my first of 2 entries for the Year of the Cat group build. I already had this on my 2017 build plan, so was happy about that! This is an older kit that was recently reboxed with new art and the Sundowners aggressor decals (among [...]

MPC 1/72 P-39 Aircobra

This was a pretty enjoyable project - turning an old "dog" kit into a decent representation. This was the old MPC "Profile Series" P-39 (I understand MPC are re-boxed Airfix kits). I love the pacific theater birds [...]

NASA Archival Flight Footage – Now Released

I saw this posted in one of my blog feeds yesterday, and thought I'd pass it along. NASA has basically posted up (or is in the process of completing the postings) of over 500 new videos of archival historical flight footage. Here's a [...]

1/48 Privateer @ SoonerCon an inspiration for my next build...

A couple of weeks ago I travelled down the turnpike to Oklahoma City to attend (and enter) the SoonerCon 2017 contest. This beautiful PB4Y-2 was the belle of the ball, taking 1st in category, Modeler's Choice, and Best of Show awards. I [...]

Italeri 1/72 F-111A Aardvark

Built OOB except added crew, and swapped out 1000 lb iron bombs for r******d bombs. Was a pretty nice kit - a bit difficult to get the exhaust nozzles snuggled up next to the fuselage once everything was put together. I used a panel line [...]