79 articles · 23K karma · 120 friends · active 3 hours, 44 minutes ago


2021 Builds

Hi All, The builds I completed and posted in 2021. A few struggles and hurdles along the way but the pleasures of building and creating were more the norm. Thanks to all who took the time to check out my builds. A very Happy 2022 to all, [...]

P47D: "No Guts... No Glory..."

Hi All, Most likely my last post for 2021. Yup, another P-47. This time the 1/48, P47D from Hobby Boss depicting 84th FS/78th FG, “No Guts...No Glory”, piloted by Maj. Ben Mayo. The Hobby Boss, 1/48, P-47D: Built OOB, minus [...]

Flight-19 Pearl Harbor 80th Anniversary Tribute Group Build: Witness Artifacts

Hi All, My contributions to the “FL-19, Pearl Harbor 80th Anniversary Tribute, Group Build” are based on two existing artifacts that were, so-called, “eyewitnesses” to the attack: FIRST BUILD: An icon to the attack on Pearl Harbor [...]

P-47 Razorback: Zemke's Wolfpack

Hey All. My latest completion, P-47 #2 This time Tamiya's, 1/48, P-47D Razorback. Built OOB and using Meteor Productions PYN-up decals, markings of P47D-15-RE of 63 FS/56, Zemke’s Wolfpack, flown by Lt Charles Clamp, Jr. Paints: Mr. [...]

P-47D: "Sleepy Jean the 3rd"

Hey All. My latest completion. Tamiya, 1/48, P-47D Bubbletop. Built OOB but with Meteor Productions PYN-up decals, markings of P47D-28-RA of the 395 FS/368 FG, “Sleepy Jean the 3rd”. This was my first Tamiya P-47 kit and a pleasure to [...]

"Luftwaffe Group Build Vignette"

Hi All, My contribution to the German Air Service/Luftwaffe group build. Thanks go to Louis Gardner for starting the group and inviting me to join. It has been a fun group with many great contributions. Good job, ALL! As usual, to keep [...]

First and last

Hey All, The First and Last build idea was an idea suggested by fellow iModeler Paul Barber. Hope to see more of the groups additions soon. The aircraft I chose for my FIRST and LAST builds are based on the so-called “career” of a [...]

P-61A Moonhappy

Hi All, I finally finished and would like to show my version of the venerable, Revell/Monogram, 1/48, P-61A Black Widow, “Moon Happy”. First, I'd like to thank my co-worker, Dave, and his son, Evan, for giving me this kit. I hope you [...]

P-61B “Lady in the Dark”

Hey All, Presenting the 1/48, Hobby Boss, P-61B, Black Widow built OOB along with Eduard Brassin Wheels and Print Scale decals. Primed with Floquil Old Silver. Humbrol Maskol used for the chipping effect. Painted with Mr. Color Surfacer [...]

“PATROL”…Empire of Japan Group Build, Type 97 Chi-Ha.

Hi All, My only contribution to the Empire of Japan group build. Thank you Louis for the invite. My first attempt at a box diorama but definitely not last. My last completed build and posting for 2020. This box diorama, titled, [...]