20 articles · 2.4K karma · 11 friends · active 7 months, 1 week ago
Started modelling again in June 2018 after many decades away, talk about a learning curve! The game has changed so much since i last made an average resemblance of the BoB aircraft in the early '80's that inevitably died outside in aerial yard combat with a group of friends.
Northern Territorian living in sunny Queensland with my three kids, my iwata hates the humidity! but we struggle on working away in the cooler night hours when possible.
My Pop flew for Qantas back in the '60's and Dad was a private pilot after just missing his call for Vietnam when troops were stopped from being sent over. I got into the mechanical side of things, cars, trucks and then the spare parts industry and finally parts managing a 110 car a week paint shop... but have always had a passion for aircraft and flight. Mainly WWII but i will delve into the odd more modern bird, armour or ships.
The net is such a great resource for modellers, i'm constantly blown away by peoples work and it's nice to combine these and your own methods to come up with ones own little rendition of a machine.
You know when you are trolling around the net, casting for kits and get a few nibbles, then one keeps nibbling and finally bites? That was this one. At first when i looked at it, it seemed to basic. A rebox of the original '88 kit with new [...]
Long time no visit, work life has gotten in the way of my modelling, but i managed to roll one out of the hangar finally.
Tamiyas 1/48 Beaufighter. OOB build with a paint scheme i came across whilst looking for something more interesting [...]
Another fall together kit (yes!) On this Jug i got to mostly concentrate on painting, not filling and aligning and sanding and..etc. It's the first time i have really attempted to get tonal variety by adjusting the amount of different [...]
What is it with Airfix and noses? Their Sea Fury i just completed recently is a bit of a shocker and now this. I suppose it keeps one busy instead of just stick part a to part b type of deal, but it is a tad annoying. Anyway, besides that [...]
This one has a fairly unusual peace time 'kill'..
On the morning of 30th August 1955, one of the oddest 'shoot downs' in the history of military aviation occurred; No 805 Squadron would be called upon to fire on an unusual 'enemy' in the [...]
First off, thanks to Michael Turner, @michaelt , for kindly sending me the Red13 jv44 decals. This Revell (repackaged Eduard) kit does not include paint instructions or decals for the aircraft i needed to do and i could not find a 1/48 red [...]
The plan for this was to do a really quick build Me262 after spending a lot more time than i planned on my Skyraider. But upon opening the kit i noticed one of the schemes was a JV44 job and i thought...this a great excuse to add a JV 44 [...]
This was one of those builds where she ended up spending a few weeks in near solitary, staring at me from the workbench with worrying eyes as i left her unfinished and slowly gathering dust. A few days ago i looked at her sternly, flipped [...]
This was an idea to space save in my cabinet, the trusty Detolf, but still have some bases to add interest. My previous Spitfire build with base takes up a shelf all by it's lonesome, which makes only four planes per cabinet. It looks [...]
Plenty has been written about the failings of this kit and i won't go into detail here beside dropping a Jon Bius quote that i think is fitting for most of us modellers...
'But I believe most modelers just want to enjoy a build. They [...]