40 articles · 22.1K karma · 58 friends · active 8 hours, 32 minutes ago

Wing modeller, father of 4 and a Luftwaffe enthusiast...all my hobbies in no particular order

Viermot Jäger: Erich Hondt Fw 190 A-5 U/12 - 2.JG/11

Here’s my latest completion, Eduard FW 190 A-5 weekend box with a bundle option of the special (and very short lived in operational use) U/12 2x20mm cannon underwing pod, of their Brassin range. Unlike the plastic, the Brassin set is a [...]

Dieppe Hurricane: my take on Arma Hobby favourite

Bought this kit directly from the maker during their pre-sale deal simply because of box art. Fact is I’ve been wanting to build a 1/48 Hurricane for too long, and getting a 4 cannon gunboat MK.IIc with an unusual (and very weathered) [...]

Late War 109 G-14 AS

Finished yesterday, my interpretation of a 109 G-14 AS that saw several distinct interpretations of its Reich verteidigung band. Seems that white/red interpretation is more likely true than the white/green depicted by kit and decal [...]

Unusual markings for an all too usual buildEduard 190 A-4

Back in late 2018 I posted a new decal maker in the market: (link) I like these decals so much that I already purchased 4 sheets and as a consequence several of my 190 articles here use them. This one is from that first sheet…5 years [...]

Polish Spitfire- Mk. IXc

Hi everyone Been a long time since I actually finished a kit, though I have plenty on the bench at the moment. Bought this kit a few years back in second hand, box a bit bruised but contentes were as new and sealed. Added some brassin [...]

Quick walkaround on a local show

Today I had the pleasure going for my first model show in the past 2/3 years, adding to the fact it was also my first time in that specific show, already on its VIII edition, the one from the associação de modelismo regiao de Lisboa, [...]

Eduard 190 A-5 : “Sepp” Würmheller side ride

We seem to be on a roll with Focke-Wulfs here lately so I thought I’d join the trend, hope you don’t mind! This is my latest build, my 6th Eduard Wurger Wunder Kit, this time an A-5, under the pretext of the latest decal sheet Exito [...]

Eduard Profipack ZeroSaburo Sakai A6M2

Those you happened to stumble on my WIP journal over at the Empire of Japan GB pages will know I got this kit Arcturo very end of last year (actually got it home right after Christmas) and plunged right it to it. Also, as it so frequently [...]

Wingsy Bf.109 E-1“The Bull and the Mouse”

By the end of this year’s summer I got my eagerly awaited Wingsy bf.109 E-1 thanks to the help of my friend and fellow iModeler Erik Gjørup (@airbum). I immediately challenged him to for a dual build journal since he too wanted to get [...]

Review: Eduard’s A6M2 Zero- their first profipack edition

Today the postman delivers a couple of kits in my door step, all late X-mas gifts. One of them is the brand new- January release- A6M2 Zero in its first profipack box. Although this is no serious inbox review, I want to share a few points [...]