18 articles · 2K karma · 5 friends · active 1 year, 9 months ago

I am retired have been building models for many years do it for enjoyment not to please others just myself,I break the rules sometimes but that is the fun of modeling.I have built planes,cars but I enjoy AFV in 1/35 scale.I live in Australia.N.S.W

1/35 British Light Tank.

Finished this build on the weekend took me 8 days to complete just working at my snail pace,it is a 1/35 scale but its more like building a 1/72 scale its so so TINY,and those springs total madness,the little ones had to go inside the [...]

1/72 Japanese WW2 Aircraft

Thought I might put up some aircraft I built a while back they are all 1/72 the zero is Academy and the other 2 are Hasegawa, both with name tags so you can see each model type, the build and fit all went together well,the only problem I [...]

1/35 Valentine Tank

Hot off the spray booth this morning,burnt my fingers on the exhaust still that hot.It`s a Bronco model kit,I saw this kit in a mag sometime back,and I like anything with a fuel tank on the outside,it went together quite well,nice interior [...]

8 Ton Semi-Track

This is a 1/35 Tamiya build weathered with a worn cabin cover and figures enjoy thanks.

The unusual

There has been some talk about something different on some of my feed backs well this fits the bill,its a 1/32 bf109,a friend gave me the kit sometime back and I I mostly build aircraft in 1/72.I saw something like this in an Aussie mag,so [...]

Churchill Crocodile (British flamethrower tank)

I had a great time with this build as it was a tamiya kit and these things almost build them selves ,good for an i***t like me,it must be a lump of a tank as it takes some space on the shelf,would love to see one close up.I use acrylics to [...]

Soviet BT-7

Not long finished this Zvezda 1/35 kit it was a little rough in places and did have a lot of flashing on the sprue parts but the tracks went together like a dream,took a little bit of artistic licence on some of the add on:s ,and the tail [...]

Skoda Turtle 1/35 build

This was a great build had no problems with any of the fit,I have found Takom kits quite good,I picked this kit because of the camo,used my own imagination in the colours,just looked on line at other builds and took it from there.