44 articles · 4.4K karma · 13 friends · active 1 day, 2 hours ago

I'll build anything, but primarily WWII Navy aircraft, with a particular interest in transition aircraft from just prior to the war starting - the stuff that was obsolete but went to war anyway.

Revell GMC truck kit-bash

So I had a couple of kits sitting around that I bought for parts for other projects, the Revell GMC Pickup that I bought strictly for the chrome wheels, and the Ertl barge wagon I bought for the running gear. I wasn't planning on doing [...]

MF 1155 Pro Stock Puller

Hello all, this is my latest attempt at building a modified pulling tractor from one of Ertl’s old line of late 70’s tractor kits. This particular Massey Ferguson kit was actually marketed as a “pulling tractor” and came with [...]

IH 1466 Puller

The seed for this project idea came when I was building the prior IH 1466, and noted that the tractor looked pretty cool without the cab on. Looking around at IH 1466 photos on the internet, I came across a number of tractors set up for [...]

The Ultimate Dive Bomber

In this article I must confess to a bit of profound ignorance. Up until recently I was under the mistaken belief that the dive-bomber concept was obsolete by the end of WWII. I thought that the rise of powerful fighter aircraft carrying [...]

Revell Deutz D30 with scratch-built mower

The latest edition to my 1/25 tractor collection is the Deutz D30 from Revell. This is the second entry in their "press-fit" tractor series (the Porsche was the first), and is a nice kit. Hopefully there will be more of these [...]

Scratch-built Gravity Wagon 1/25

I wanted to add some implements to my tractor collection, but the only ones available from the Ertl Blueprint series were plows and barge wagons. I got the John Deere plow, but I didn't particularly want the barge wagons, because they [...]

AMT Bulldozer 1/25

This is the AMT kit that was originally titled "Caterpillar D8H" but has been re-released as the generic "construction bulldozer." It's a great kit, very detailed, and very much capable of even more scratch-building [...]

Ertl IH 1466 1/25

So I forked over the cash and bought the last outstanding tractor kit for my collection, the Ertl International Harvester 1466 (I couldn't be satisfied with just 2 of the 3 Ertl kits!). Though I've never been a fan of the red tractors, I [...]

Heller MF 2680 Tractor 1/24

Here's the latest addition to my tractor collection, Heller's Massey Ferguson 2680. I bought this kit off of eBay back in late March from a company in Germany, and was informed by the seller that they would not be able to ship right away [...]

Vac Wings Northrop BT-1 in 1/48

The Northrop BT-1’s claim to fame is being the proof-of-concept aircraft that led to the development of the famous Douglas SBD Dauntless. Entering US Navy service in 1938, the BT-1 introduced the hydraulically actuated perforated dive [...]