Dad was on Spitfires. Back modelling having got hooked after building 32 scale models of the planes he flew. Don't know where to put them all!
My Father completed primary training in Georgia, USA. Before being posted 61 OTU Rednal and thence to 243 Squadron Spitfires he spent quite a few months of 1942 towing Hotspur gliders at the No 4 Glider Training School, Kidlington (Now [...]
I have a Revell 1/32 Ju-88 which I was rather pleased with as part of my Malta 1942 collection. I had to hunt for this kit on e-bay, enjoyed building it. Now the canopy wasn't perfect but it was ok. Last month I foolishly dusted some [...]
Digitising old slides and found a few gems, this included. I was 9 or 10. The Brand New 1/24 Airfix
Spitfire had just come out and I saved the £12 required. No airbrush then! Bit of a toy. Retractable undercarriage and sliding canopy. Al [...]
Needed to do this but space for 1/32 builds is limited. Very nice little Eduard kits. Fiddly in bits but fun. Amazing that USSR could produce such modern cockpit canopies (on the Yaks) when you compare birdcage Hurricanes and even [...]
So. Scottish in three ways. Banff Strike Wing. I'm Scottish. Therefore too tight to pony up for the Tamiya Mossie. I did try but the canopy was very difficult and sadly lets it down badly. It came from Australia (Tasman) and was for [...]
Present from Dearly Beloved! Thoroughly enjoyed this. Didn't go as far as this guy with individual turnbuckles I'm afraid!
Lost my eysight threading the rigging. The tail area was most troublesome. It's not that strong so if you [...]
I come not in search of praise but help! So far this conversion has gone not too badly. Various Eduard parts and aftermarket undercarriage. Grey Matter nose, without which job would be impossible. Pleased with side door and cockpit. Not [...]
Very sad that so many Revell kits are no longer available in larger scales. Found this lovely 1/48 Catalina on ebay. It's an excellent kit and I don't think I used any after market parts. Similarly this 1/32 NON TECHNIK Ju 88. Very hard [...]
Interested to see what could be done with this kit without spending a fortune. Actually very impressed! PRU model with the fuselage camera in the wrong place (sorry)! Eduard wheels (for Tamiya) were the only extras. When you open the box [...]
Decals-especially stencils. Long black walk/don't walk lines which break into a million pieces. Roundels which fall apart if you look at them funny.
The floor where I spend 1/3 of my precious hobby time crawling about cursing because [...]