18 articles · 6.1K karma · 87 friends · active 23 hours, 7 minutes ago

Terminally Irish 62 y/o husband and father who has been scale modelling since age 6. I build aircraft and vehicles of the First and Second World Wars and am particularly fond of anything "Spitfire". I also enjoy computer flight simulations and currently fly "Battle of Britain II-Wings of Victory", Rise of Flight", "Cliffs of Dover", and "Wings of Prey". When not building models or flying simulations, I spend a good deal of time hanging out with my 18 y/o daughter Aelyshe.

A Small Vignette

Being pleased with the way my Monogram Hawker Typhoon turned out and being even more pleased with all the compliments it received, I decided my "Tiffie" deserved to be put in a vignette. Nothing elaborate, just something simple [...]

Monogram Hawker Typhoon.

After many trips from the workbench to the shelf and from the shelf to the workbench, I am calling this little side project finished. The classic Monogram Hawker Typhoon. Total re-scribe of the kit including certain access panels that [...]

Battle of France/Battle of Britain Group Build Entry Finally Finished

...and it only took four years, three months, 1000 plus toothpicks, a roll and a half of Tamiya tape, a variety of adhesives, many trips to the "spares box", countless hours of fitting & sanding, two bottles of the John [...]

I Can Play Too! Workbench/Mancave 2015-2016

Some of these photos I posted here about two and one half years ago in the "Mancaves" category. There have been some slight changes to my workbench and mancave since then so I figured I would get in with this workbench trend.

Some Images From The Airfix Website Concerning Their New 1/48 Defiant

A Word From Your BoF/BoB Group Build Moderator.

Well lads, there are two more days left before the "Big Show" that is the Battle of France/Battle of Britain group build presentations. I have been watching, with great interest, all the projects as they progressed and I want to [...]

Battle of France/Battle of Britain Group Build.

Right then! Its official. The second iModeler group build is the Battle of France/Battle of Britain hosted by yours truly (Gawd Strewth). This group build has something for everyone. Aircraft, vehicles, boats, ships, and figures. All [...]

Many thanks to iModeler and my fellow iModelers!

I love getting stuff in the mail, even if it is junk mail! Of course, what came in the mail today was far from what I would call junk. My prize for winning the October contest at iModeler came today, the beautiful Eduard 1/48 Spitfire [...]


Several people, when commenting upon my recently completed 1/32 Spitfire Mk.II, said that the pilot figure looks lonely and needs a dog to keep him company. These people were preaching to the choir, though. From the start, I wanted my [...]

Achtung, Spitfire!

Sometime in mid-December of last year, while attending a meeting of the Brooklyn Plastic Modelers Society (my chapter of the IPMS), I came across this kit being sold 2nd hand for $25.00 with an Eduard photo-etch set and a Masters [...]