iModeler Armor

All about AFV and related military model making.

WW1 Whippet 1:35 Meng

Had a blast with this kit! Meng kits cover go together beautifully. Despite the unusual design of this tank this kit, like other Meng kits, went together beautifully. Given the subject, I was able to try out a lot of weathering tools, [...]

1/35 Mini Art Valentine II

This is my first tank. I prefer airplanes but this is very attractive and I couldn't resist.


Merry Xmas everyone and a happy new year! This is my first completed build of 2017, Meng's 1-35 Russian MBT, the T-90. The T-90 replaced the T-72 in 1995 after concerns about it's poor performance during the 1991 gulf war. Long story [...]

Started 2016, first finished 2017

Nice kit, typical Tamyia, add glue, shake box, done! Parts breakdown was interesting, track, rollers, drive gear all one piece. Gave me a chance to use Panzer Putty to mask with and it worked great. Didn't pull off any paint or leave any [...]

Just Under the Wire

My last completed kit for 2016, making it 13 finished models for the year. That's the most I've completed in a year for many, many years. I present the Tamiya 1/48 JGSDF Type 10 Tank. As I and many others have said before, these kits go [...]

1/35 italeri Panther Ausf A.

My first German Army tank build in over 35 years. The tank is of part the Grosdeutschland Panzer Grendier Divison, Lithuania 1944.

1/48 Hobby Boss T-34

This is the first Hobby Boss kit I've built, and I was not ready for all the internal detail, complete engine and crew compartment - what a fabulous kit! Unfortunately with what I had planned for it I never built the interior, except for [...]

Christmas in Europe

This is a story of hope, not just for modellers, but for their long struggling wives and partners who sometimes don’t quite ‘get us’. Who has ever been asked “Why do you need a new kit? You have heaps in the shed you haven’t [...]

1/35 Tamiya M-48A-3 90MM from the 11th Cavalry in Vietnam

Tonight's article is about this model that I built about 3 years ago. This is Tamiya kit number 35120 and I built it with a few modifications. I used the kit decals that were provided for the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment. The first [...]

1/76 Cromwell: Daughter & Dad Co-Build

The last of my Airfix builds for 2016, though this strictly speaking isn't one of mine, but rather my daughter Aemilia's build...I just painted it, and stuck a few more bits on when she lost interest... Purchased back in 2015 from our [...]