All about AFV and related military model making.
PzH 2000
Depicted in German afghanistan- camo- scheme.
The kit was pretty easy to build without any major problems and even the release of Revell's PzH (03121) has been some time ago, it still can convince with the quality of the [...]
The Yom Kippur Veteran- Egyptian T-54
This vehicle dates from the period shortly after the conflict with Israel in 1973.
The showen model isn´t based on a specific reference but was rather inspired by the idea that in the wake of the war [...]
At some point I got curious about how it is like to build one of the 1/16th scale AFV monsters. Trumpeter's T-34 that comes with interior detailing satisfied my curiosity. It is a solid and easy AFB build thanks to the large size of parts. [...]
In Polish service, circa 1960.
I admit that this decal variant actually belongs on a T-55.
But this T-54 is one of my earlier works when I came back to the hobby and didn't take this fact so seriously at the time.
!Please forgive me [...]
I will eschew my usual word salad at this point and refer you to the examinations of this kit and the history of the real thing. It's commonly accepted that 2a6s are in Ukraine now, though I haven't seen any photographic [...]
Well, I'm definitely approaching the "end game" with the tank itself. As you can see, it's now the things like the pioneer tools, tow cables and search light to go. I'll be putting an "RAC" helmet on the front of the [...]
Three variations to a theme of Dragon's Initial Production Tiger. Dragon issued the DS tracks for this Tiger boxing. The building process was obviously, much simpler than the single link tracks. However, the tracks keep oozing oils years [...]
I recently had to put all my other projects on hold. An old army friend of mine asked me if I could make an A34 Comet tank for him. As it has a time limit it's been pretty full on getting it ready for the presentation it's wanted [...]
The highly detailed Dragon's 1/35 German panzers combined with the endless variations of camouflage schemes is a modelers heaven. Here I present 3 Panthers variants A and G in winter camouflage. Zimmerit was applied free hand.
In my youthful early modeling days I think I built the entire Aurora 1/48 armored vehicle series. I remember them being pretty decent (for the time) easy-to-assemble kits. They were pretty enjoyable projects. I remember the M109 kit, [...]