iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Getting Snarky

Revell's Northrop SM-62 Snark missile, originally tooled in 1957. A pretty basic toy-like kit, but a fun build. I sanded off all the rivets and re-scribed some of the lines, and added a bit of detail here and there. Revell supply decals [...]

Video: Trumpeter's 1/48 Westland Whirlwind: Reveal

Kit graciously supplied by the KitMaker Network (link)

Westland Lysander On Floats! Now this is how I would have done it.

This is one aircraft that begs to be modified with floats. I just had to do it! This is 1/32 scale and the crew is 21st Century figures. I have added some detail and wiring behind the instrument panel as this can be seen through the front [...]

Sad story about a Sea Fury

Watch this link to see the video and story of a Sea Fury at an air display at R.N.A.S. Culdrose, England (link) (link)

1/72 Haitian F-51D

This is the new-tool Airfix 1/72 F-51D Mustang, finished in the markings of Corps d'Aviation d'Haiti ca. 1963. The aircraft was a civilian P-51D pressed into military service, and carried drop tanks from an F-86. The Airfix Mustang is [...]

My Surprise Prize Airfix’s new Spit Mk Vb

I was So surprised to hear from Martin informing me that i had been awarded Junes Random award its very rare i come up trumps with anything like this so Thanks iModeler I will try to get it on the bench as soon as i can just got to get a [...]

Thank you ICM…. :) 1/48 Dornier 215 night fighter….

Been wanting one since the dawn of time... Well, 30 odd years anyway. 🙂

Sorry to report, the Gladiator was shot down….

Some of you might remember I was building a 1/32 Sea Gladiator for the Nats, thanks to all who wished me well but 'twas not to be. The competition was pretty intense, including several Wingnut Wings thingies. (That's my excuse, and I'm [...]

Bf 109 G6 9/JG52, Erich Hartmann, Russia 1943

This is Hasagawa's 1/32 G6, detailed-up with the Master Detail set. I confess this isn't a new build; it was done a year or so back. I was going through some previous files on Photobucket and saw a couple of photos of it, and decided to [...]

An Old School Build

Good morning. I thought you might enjoy a trip down memory lane-well at least for some of you. This is a Guillow's semi-scale stick and tissue model of a Super Cub I built for my gal's dad who is now 87. It took a bit to regain those [...]