iModeler Aviation

Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.

Airfix 1/72 Hawker Typhoon 1b

It is still June 6th over here so here is my contribution. It is Mn317/ZYB of No. 247 (China British) Sqn., 124 Wing as of June 1944. Late in the build I convinced myself that it was a 3-blade prop not a 4-blade like came with the kit. It [...]

Academy 1/72 P-51B Mustang

My own D-Day Group Build contribution (an RAF Mustang Mk. III) suffered serious production delays, but at least I can contibute to the Anniversary celebration with some freshly taken photos of one of my older models. This is a 1/72 [...]

Hasegawa / Alleycat 1:32 , Kawasaki Ki-100 Goshikisen

Finished this one last week. The Hasegawa Ki-61 kit with the Alleycat Ki-100 resin fuselage. A first glance at the resin gave me the impression that I was in for an easy build. Nice panel lines, no bubbles, nice detail. The stuff looks the [...]

D-Day GB – Typhoon Mk.IB

Tiffy, a well-known British single-seat fighter-bomber. This is addition to my previous two models. HobbyBoss "Easy Assemble" 1/72 kit, very funny and fast build. Build thread here - (link)

D-Day GB – Grumman Hellcat Mk.I

A well-known carrier-based aircraft, produced by Grumman. The British Fleet Air Arm (FAA) received 1263 F6Fs under the Lend-Lease Act. This E-L aircraft was based on the HMS Emperor during D-Day. HobbyBoss 1/48 kit, Techmod decals. Build [...]

B-26B “I****s Delight” 575th BS / 391st BG

This aircraft is reputed to be the “scruffiest” Marauder of them all and had there been a contest for the worst one it would have won. I have shown wear on this model but it is nothing compared to photos of the real airplane. I used [...]

Academy 1/48 F-4B ‘Rhino’ – preview of coming attraction.

To be featured in an upcoming issue of AMW, here's a sneak peak at my latest completed project. More photos and details will be added once the article is in print.

Eduard 1/48 Polikarpov I-16 Type 10

Here is my first contribution to this great new (to me!) site. It is Eduard's 1/48 scale Polikarpov I-16, Type 10. I used decals from a long OOP Superscale sheet for the code letters/numbers and the 'Betty Boop' on the tail. All other [...]

Armstrong-Whitworth A.W.27 "Ensign"

Hi, While my father is finishing to paint the pair of De Havilland DH 91 Albatross he started a new model from scratch. In this case he is dealing with the huge AW 27 Ensing. A friend of us will make the decals for the BOAC Albatross and [...]

1/32 Bf 109G-6 of 8./Jg1, 1944

Here is the kit that got my on my large-scale building bing, the mighty Hasegawa 109G-6! I built this kit very soon after it came out back in 2002 and is still in my collection, along with 2 others I've built since. Yes the kit has a few [...]