Building, painting and finishing scale aircraft models.
Normally, I spend about 2-3 months on most of my builds. This seems fair for the amount of detail, workmanship, and the research I put into my work. That said, my build of Eduard’s 1/48 MiG-21 PFL has taken me over eight months…and is [...]
This is my first build of an HK models kit and it did not dissappoint. The kit does have a few weak points but overall I really enjoyed the build.
See all my models at: (link)
Photograpy: Nikon D300; Focus Stacking using Helicon Focus; [...]
Note: I wrote this 12 years ago for Modeling Madness. The original photos were lost after my laptop HDD crashed in 2013 and I couldn't recover them to my dismay so this is what the model currently looks like which isn't bad as it survived [...]
America has A10 and “brrrrrrrr”, Soviets and Russians has Su25 and “phew phew phew”. Some would say that A10 is gun with plane and Su25 is rocket with plane. Both planes has same Close Air Support role. We can fight about topic [...]
Soon after Hitler's rise to power, Henschel started designing aircraft. One of the first was the Hs 123, aimed to meet the 1933 dive bomber requirements for the reborn Luftwaffe. The prototype performed its maiden flight on 1 April 1935. [...]
Here is my favorite topic, unfortunately limited due to the handful of aircraft produced. The model plastic is nicely engraved and separated control surfaces are provided including slats. However, the model does not offer more details by [...]
The 344th Bombardment Group (Medium) was activated in 1942 as a B-26 Marauder unit at Drane Field which was an auxiliary field of MacDill AAFB in Florida on Sept 8, 1942. It was a training unit till January 1944 when it transferred to [...]
A couple of months ago I started work on these two kits, Revell's and Frog's F4F-4 Wildcats. I wanted to build them together like the way I did with my Bearcats back in March and enjoy the whole process. My original game plan was to build [...]
Here is my Airfix Westland Lynx AH-7, representing a British Army machine serving in Afghanistan. It is my first helicopter ever. I took care to preserve all of the beautiful rivet detail of the kit through careful fitting and no excess [...]