Representing reality in miniature.
pequeña escena a escala 1/35 de la marca mantisminiatures.
Espero que os guste...
Couple of years old diorama. With this thing I forgot old saying that less is more, so there is surely more...
Without any hesitation I decided to put "all in" and see what happens. And this was the outcome.
This is also kind of [...]
After Marty flew to far into future he recognised there was no hope so the time machine was forgotten 😉
My inspiration came from a shirt I saw and I thought it would be fun to put it into a diorama.
The DeLorean model by Aoshina is not [...]
The scale for these little equipment is 1:24
I started on a commission project commissioned by Fredrik. The theme of this project is an 'Austrailian Road Train in the outbacks'. Fredrik wanted a weathered three trailer combo with loads, placed on an outback diorama. The diorama is [...]
Historically Hengist and Horsa were Germanic brothers said to have led the Angles, Saxons and Jutes in their supposed invasion of Britain in the 5th century. In 1944 the ‘first boots on the ground’ on D-Day at 00:11 were carried by [...]
Well this one is the last of my postings for a while as I am fully up to date with completed builds so I thought I would finish with something completely different for me, the inspiration for building this is my hope one day to have the [...]
I always wanted to create a black and white diorama, as I've not seen them so much.
Then I was looking into old pictures from WW2 and found this repair scene.
Thats the oppurtinity to try different techniques with different shades of [...]
My most recent - bucket listed - brain crash is here, the wreckage of Exupery Caudron's 630 in the Libyan desert (in 1:48 scale). I took this to the MosonShow at Mosonmagyarovár this year ((link)). The idea of such a diorama has been [...]
Trumpeter 1/144 Seawolf set on a pink board base
with resin clay for the waves and cotton ball wake. First large attempt of a water base.