iModeler Figures

The art of figure sculpting, modeling and painting.

Marshal Ney

Ney has to be one of my all time favorite historical figures. 2 stories about him: Upon their restoration to the throne for good, the Bourbons had him tried for treason (and executed by firing squad, as per the attached painting by [...]

German mercenary, Early XVI C, Italian Wars

I was quite happy with the way the NMM turned out on this very, very nice figure by Stormtrooper Minis. It is satisfying to see progress after what feels figuratively like banging your head against a brick wall. I forget who it was who [...]

Prince Józef Antoni Poniatowski, W_I_P

Another of Napoleon’s Marshals who met a violent end. Poniatowski drowned while conducting a rearguard action in the vicinity of Leipzig in 1813. Very few of Napoleon's Marshals lived to a ripe old age, the pic of the holed cuirasse [...]

Cyclops from the 7th Voyage of Sinbad

I remember seeing the 7th Voyage of Sinbad as a kid and loving the stop frame animation. The skeleton's he animated in a different film were pretty amazing as well. This vinyl model kit came out a couple years ago and sat on my shelf [...]

Marshal Jean Lannes W-I-P

One of the ablest of Napoleon’s marshals, he was mortally wounded in 1809 against the Austrians when an errant cannon ball shattered both legs. Napoleon is said to have wept by his bedside. I found this figure tough to paint, likely [...]

Atlantis American Bison

Built this Atlantis (ex-Aurora) American Bison model for a good friend’s Christmas present. Nothing out of the ordinary when building it, but it was great fun! Brian Riedel


Since I was 5 and got a book on dinosaurs which also mentioned the La Brea Tarpits in LA, CA. Since then Megafauna of the Ice Age have fascinated me. This is a resin 1/10 scale Cave Bear produced by Paleocraft and stands about 17 inches [...]

Viking with War Hammer

This is a little more from the Fantasy side than the Historical. Still figuring out how to treat that kind of subject matter from a stylistic standpoint.

Ancient Roman Legionary, W_I_P

Lately, I’ve been painting several figures at once. As I paint with oils, and due to the slower drying time, I rotate work on them so I’m able to keep busy.

Roman Centurion "Bravery and Valor" Bust

Minormous Models has a line of really high quality resin figures that are just wonderfully executed and which I highly recommend. You can buy the STL files online or the printed figures from El Greco Miniatures. They have one figure of [...]