Science fiction, fantasy and mecha model building.
This Monogram kit was released during the hey-day of space models in 1959. Designed by Willy Ley, the 1:48 scale model is a depiction of a space "Taxi", or space tug to be used in moving cargo and passengers around larger space [...]
This is the Pegasus 1/144 scale Luna Rocketship kit. I has 11 or 12 parts as I recall and no fit issues. I started this kit the same day as the Airfix Stuka I did for the BoB group build and had it built and primed in about a week. And [...]
Sorry to post again, but this is the first base/ground cover I've ever done!
Thanks Mr.Mike R for the help. I've found something thats almost as much fun as modeling so there are more bases that will be made! (May even try figures [...]
This is the old AMT kit that i've had for years. I thought I'd try I figure kit and this came to mind! The fit is so so the detail is ok but overall it was a fun build. The paint is all aycrilic from MM and Tamyia, then I used oil for wash [...]
Wedge's bird done and dusted. A little more room on the WiP shelf. What will I fill it with next...?
This is the Pegasus kit of the Space ship from the movie When Worlds Collide.
It was a great 50's movie. The kit goes together very nicely and comes with the base and launch ramp there is a photo etch set you can get with it which includes [...]
"Across the gulf of space...intellects vast and cool and unsympathetic regarded this earth with envious eyes, and slowly and surely they drew their plans against us"...
From H.G.Wells "War of the Worlds" novel
I read [...]
This is the Fantastic Plastic’s 1/48th scale “Galactic Raider” . The kit is all resin
and consists of 11 pieces and decals by J-Bot. The parts were well cast without any deformed pieces or pin holes, but I did find the resin to [...]
This is the Moebius 1/32 scale Cylon Raider from the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica TV series.It represents the Raider shown in later seasons of the series, and is so different from the raiders shown in the early seasons, I resisted [...]
This is the original 1977 MPC release of Darth Vaders TIE Fighter. The kit, being an original release went together very well! The biggest draw back of this kit is that there is a warp molded into the kit that is really impossible to fix. [...]