iModeler How-to

Tips and solutions to improve your modelling techniques.

Starting out in scale modellingWhat do you need?


How to easily mask your canopies for your model kits


Creating Realistic Snow

Here is a little tip on making a realistic snow base for model displays. I wanted to display one of my model aircraft that was equipped with snow skis on a snow base. I started with a round base and created the snow base using spackle. I [...]

How to easily apply pin/panel line wash to your model kitPin Washing 101


Blenheim Overpainted Roundels

Hi folks I’ve just recently bought the 1/48 Bristol Blenheim and I’m very excited about getting started with it! The scheme I want to build is a pre war one with over painted roundels, however I can’t seem to make sense of how to do [...]

Strict Instructions from "She Who Must Be Obeyed" !!

SO, the wife has laid down strict instruction that before i start "ANOTHER SINGLE KIT" that i must either, "finish, fix or bin" ALL the ones laying around. So, as i'm desperate to start the Revell "Iron [...]

Video: Easy Way to Making Explosion Effect for Your Dioramas.

Dump truck weathering reference

As of late I've not been active on the bench at all, been too busy driving the subject of this article. Modeling, however, is never far from my mind and I dearly love "Look and do" pictures. Therefore, my filthy truck I've been [...]

Video: Weekend Project Garage Diorama with Chevy S-10 1/25 Scale Model Pickup

Video: Easy Spider Web Effect For Your Dioramas #Shorts