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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

1/32 Trumpeter P-51B Mustang “ Shangri La”

This is 1/32 Trumpeter P-51B Mustang with the markings of Shangri La” flown by “Don” Gentile 336 th FS, 4th FG Debden England April 1944. Trumpeter’s kit have a lot of issues. It required tones of corrections and modifications. [...]

USAFE F-86F Sabre 32nd FDS “Slobberin’ Wolfhounds” 1955

When I got the invitation from George Blair @gblair to participate in the Sabre and Fury group build, I thought this was a nice opportunity to make use of the small decal set I had lying around in my stash. The decal set is intended to [...]

1/48 FJ-3 Fury.

This is the early 1980s Esci kit in its naval guise. Esci marketed the basic kit as both an FJ-2/3 and an F-86E with a few different parts in each release. I saw George Blair started the F-86E version of this kit over on the Sabre [...]

Video: Realistic Paint Chipping Effect to Scale Model Aircraft for 1/24 & 1/32 Scale

RAAF Pilot 1/48 (Reskit RSF48-007)

Hey iModeler's, Here's my most recent (mini) project. My last project was an RAAF Classic Hornet [(link)], and the model being pilotless, I felt needed a pilot to compliment the build and be part of a future diorama set - well that's the [...]

Review: P-51B "Little Jeep"experimenting with Super Metallics

Between 1942, when the American Volunteer Group was disbanded, and 1944, US air forces in China were a shoestring operation at the end of a long supply line, operating in a theater of operations that was considered secondary by the Allies. [...]

Nine Pound British Smooth Bore Field Cannon

Here’s a Cannon, this is meant to be a British 9lb Smooth Bore Cannon. Saw the drawing for this little Cannon in the Model Engineer ( English publication ) can’t remember the date it was printed, but it was about 30 yrs odd ago, or [...]

Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter (Roden) 1:32

Aviattic decals all over. Gaspatch guns and end wire terminals Model Kasten rigging Alclad metals All wood: oils over acrylic Pitot tubing rolled out Duro

Making Scale Model Wooden Spoked Wheels

Here is something that seems to be all but forgotten about, when there is such a proliferation of pre-formed plastic models available today. It involves a bit of luck and skill to create these small wheels by hand instead of just gluing a [...]

Sd.Kfz.251/1 Wiking Division

Eastern front Wiking division half track. Finishing done using Tamiya and Vallejo paints. Weathering was done primarily with washes with Vallejo German Camo black brown, dry brushing with Vallejo Iraqi sand, MiG tan filter and AK summer [...]