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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

OKB Chelomey 16X Priboy, The first Soviet Cruise missile (1/48, Brengun)

The first Soviet cruise missile: Soviet pulse jet research got a big push in 1944 when they got a present from England - parts from V-1 missiles. Engineer Vladimir Chelomey was appointed the Director and Chief Designer of Plant N51 to [...]

F/A-18A “Blue Angels”, 1/72 Academy

These shiny acrobatic team aircraft suddenly took my attention after I finished Red Arrows Hawk. and This is my recent build, US Navy's Blue Angels Hornet. I brushed all with Tamiya's acrylic blue. just because I wanted to try brushpaint [...]

Tamiya P-51Ds of the 357th FG

Here's Old Crow in the later scheme after the camouflage paint was removed. Also John B. England's "Missouri Armada" (with individual ID letter wrong - never trust decal instructions!) and Clarence Weaver's well-known [...]

Tamiya P-51Ds of the 354th Fighter Group

These were done around 2002-03. True Details cockpits and Falcon canopies. "Eagle" Glenn Eagleston was one of the original pilots in the "Pioneer Mustang" 354th Fighter Group and the group's top-scoring ace. [...]

Tamiya P-51Ds of the 361st Fighter Group

Two P-51Ds done around 15 years ago. "Lou IV," flown by group commander Thomas Christian, and "E2-S" flown by Urban Drew. Both kits done with the True Details resin cockpit and Falcon vacuform canopies. "E2-S" [...]

ORP Kujawiak, IBG Models 1/700

Hello. This is a fine model from IBG Models and I am satisfied result. No problems during assembly. Thanks everyone. Cheers mates

IMC 1/72 Mig-21D “all weather fighter”

This is another model that's older than most of you. The Mig 21D is one of the IMC "Battle Damaged Series", which you could build "stock" or as a "battle scarred veteran". It included parts for both, [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 Jaguar GR. Mk. 1A – Operation Granby / Desert Storm

Finished this morning. The only modifications were: Drill out the area for the nose lens and added clear sprue sanded to shape, with a depression painted sliver for the lens; drilled extra gun exhaust holes; drilled out the airbrakes and [...]

Video: 1:72 Gloster Meteor F.1 Step by Step Model Aircraft Build

Vintage 1/32 Hasegawa F4B-4 Pre-War Bi-Plane

I had this model sitting in my stash for over 20 years. Never gave it much of a look due to its age, and many other more modern models waiting to hit the workbench. But one day between projects, and commission builds, I needed to do [...]