Some history:
I bought this particular kit out of the stash from another modeller in Belgium, together with a Pz. III E (Dragon) which I will post on later. It features the early version of the infamous Tiger tank that granted the German [...]
Second attempt. A better result, having discovered the mine fields the hard way the first venture down the trail.
The secret to the Meteor is: glue the nose cap halves to their respective fuselage halves before further assembly, to get [...]
I just finished this VU-7 Fury. I have always loved this scheme, but had never tried it until I picked up the Aeromaster decals and the Hobby Boss kit. A little bit of work, but the kit was easy compared to the planning and masking for the [...]
Some history:
When strolling the streets of Berlin, I purchased this well-known kit in 1:35 for the Volkswagen Typ. 82 Kübelwagen for about 12 EUR. This was the standard light vehicle for the German army in WWII and its chassis became [...]
I made two flight decks One painted blue because I read that in the early years of WWII the Navy painted their flight decks blue for camo because the sea is blue
The second one is what color is what I have seen later in the war.
Which [...]
Dear imodeller-community,
here is one of my recently builded NFMs...its the first time that I have used the new xtreme-metal colours from AMK. It worked very well, and I am happy with the result. Unfortunately due to wrong [...]
Thunderbird S(hadow):
Fin Air&Space Force purchased F/A-18 successor's successor from International Rescue (Tracy Brothers). Thunderbird S will work mainly on search and rescue missions and stealth support operations. Speciality is the [...]
This is the 1/72 Revell Bell 212 BGS (Bundesgrenzschutz) from the disbanded German Federal Border Protection Unit.
The kit is simple though contains enough details for its scale (i.e. engraved panel lines, floats and a crisp decal sheet [...]