Here's another kit that's moving along towards completion. Again, a few update photos. Kit itself is going together well. All the fun has been getting all these interior detail sets to fit. Ugh. However they look okay after the [...]
Hey Folks
Here are a few WIP pictures, updating what's been done on this kit. She's a real beauty!
I have some touching up to do before I apply the first gloss coat. Then it's decals, second gloss coat, and then the flat coat and [...]
I recently re-watched one of my favourite movies - Good Morning, Vietnam - and thought I'd like to try build something from this conflict. Being impressed and inspired by the A4's recently posted on this site, and after talking to my good [...]
Hello everyone,
Here are some pics of my latest project. I,m pleased with the final result, but it was no mean feat getting there.
First of all, big respect to KittyHawk for actually producing this aircraft for us. When it first appeared [...]
This is the first major 1/72nd kit I have built since around 1985: usually I do 1/48 & 1/32 scale, however the Shackleton has always been a favourite & at just over half a metre wingspan it's not small! Beautifully moulded & [...]
Well, another kit completed, this time, the long term project of the Fiat people voted for.
Firstly, I wanted to apologise to everyone who voted for this and wanted this to be completed back a year ago! I just never had the mojo to [...]
What is the perfect workshop that is away from the house. Assembling and painting takes place here in my little shop. Some of the stash is here as well. Only drawback is that there are no comms in the shed. Something I will plan to add [...]
Inspired by photos in a book about Phantoms, sadly this the fate of many an obsolete aircraft. I think they were located at a Marine air station in Hawaii, being used for parts. It started out as esci/ertl kit 1/72 F-4S.
Hasegawa's egg F-4 converted to of course a Navy F-4, of VF-11 and the required Plane captain, I hope I don't bore you guys With F-4's, I've got a few more... Someone ordered snakeyes?