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It is so easy to do that it's hard to explain. See how it works and welcome onboard to try.

Historic Naval Dockyard, Portsmouth

In keeping with a current project (wooden ship model HM Bomb Vessel Granado), for inspiration I visited the famous Historic Naval Dockyard and Museums at Portsmouth. The best known exhibit is HMS Victory (yes, THAT one). I include here [...]

Men, What we need here is a WAR WINNEBAGO!!!!

Why do I do these things? I have a nice selection of regular models. Sometimes I just go off on a idea and see if I can make it happen. Except for the wheels and fixtures and crew, completely scratch built. And of course I had to add LED [...]

Saab Story J21 pusher fighter

Pilot Replica's first and only release, a 1/48 Swedish Saab J21 twin-boom pusher. Actually My son Kyle built this one, I be just the poster boy. He reports it to be a pretty good build, complaints being a split wing seam and locator holes [...]

WW1 dio plane’s

These just arrived from Hong Kong they are 1/144 very tiny and look like their going to be fun to build. More to follow as i progress slowly one Fokker DR1 will be Rittm.Manfred von Richthofen, 152/17, JG1 March 1918 the other DR1 will [...]

Acrylic thinners

Another little query. I have a tinlet of Humbrol acrylic grey primer to be airbrushed on to a model. Can it be thinned with any acrylic thinner or must it be Humbrol thinners Thanks Alvin

1/72 A.W. Whitley Mk. V

This is the new Airfix kit built almost from the box. I only added a bit of internal structure inside the fuselage behind the open door. It was finished with Humbrol enamels and kit decals. I have a weakness for 1/72 RAF bombers and [...]

Review: Kinetic 1/48th Su 33 Flanker D review

Review: Revell 1/144th 787-8 Dreamliner review

Fly kit of Arado 234 in 1/32 scale

Gentlemen (or whatever) I have recently started building above mentioned kit and so far I am very pleased with it. It may take me ages but so what. I would be keen to know if any one else out there is presently building this model or has [...]

F 4 Phantom Group Build

My contribution for the group build will be Academy's F 4B dressed up in Vagabond decals for VF 84's SEA 1965 cruise. Eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Aires cockpit set to add some spice to an excellent kit.